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A review of the “Anatomical trains” T. Myers

Рецензия на "Анатомические поезда" Т.Майерса

I’m reading an interesting book by Thomas Myers “Anatomy trains”. She gives a very three-dimensional, complete picture of the structure and function of the musculoskeletal system in terms of myofascia. The human body is regarded it not as a collection of individual bones, muscles and organs, and as a single system, developed from a single spherical cell, which by repeated conversions, folding like a paper origami, evolved into a complex entity.

The book gives a good idea of the mechanics of movements and the relationship of motor processes in the body. However, a comparison of the myofascial meridians with the trains and rails seems to me to be too mechanistic. It is impossible to forget that the human body is a LIVING system that not only performs some internal, self-motion, but also interacts with the environment. And I would like to draw special attention to this, and consider from this point of view basic concepts such as motion, rest, development, purpose, etc.

If we consider the body as a single system in ISOLATION from the outside world, the movement in it should be understood as an imbalance, which starts the chain motor, interdependent reactions, seeking to maintain balance. It turns out that man is a mechanism seeking to maintain inner balance, and in this case, the best option for him is the complete absence of any movement, i.e. death, or endless vzaimosoedinenie traffic by type of “perpetual motion”.

But if we consider man in the totality with reality, then any movement is the human INTERACTION with the environment. The meaning and purpose of these interactions depends on the identity of the person, from his inner harmony.

If a person perceives itself as a mechanism, the movement of which is caused by physical or karmic causal laws, then he can’t give a reasonable answer about the purpose and meaning of his existence, of his actions. In this case, he is forced either to invent purpose and meaning of life, or to come up with a initial effect, “God”, which once started the process of evolution of some kind, one he understood the purpose, and now watching this process from the outside.

But if the person is conscious of his indissoluble unity with the world around you, every movement of the body or thoughts – it’s not just a mechanical process, and the act of interacting with the world, full of senses and meanings, and life is an amazing mystery of communion with God, Union with Him, the pursuit of harmony – both internal and with the outside world. And any action in this case is the source of knowledge and self-knowledge, inspiration, creativity…

As long as the person sees itself in isolation from the world, it is divided into “I” and “NOT-I”, it is full of internal contradictions and struggle, of doubt and search. He divides everything into good and evil, good and bad, right and wrong… He is far from peace, from God, from himself. And its only purpose is to find peace and harmony. But how to do it?

In order to answer this difficult question, let us return to human anatomy.

The human body is a unified system, all the movements of which are INTERRELATED. Any deviation from the equilibrium state, for example, raising the left hand, triggers a chain of muscle contractions to compensate for the first movement. More precisely, the movement of the hands is possible only due to the fact that the launch vzaimosoedineniya micro-movements, ranging from atomic and electrochemical level to mechanical movements.

Whether our movements are deliberate or not? Most people believe that their actions are fully aware and controlled. Like, I wanted to raise my hand, and picked it up, it’s my decision and my conscious action. If we consider consciousness not only as an independent planning and implementation of actions, and as the understanding of the purpose and APPROPRIATENESS of any of his actions, the conscious can be described as very small number of people. The vast majority of people can be considered only relative to conscious (with respect to stones, plants, animals…).

For example, all people consume food. And, as a rule, do it automatically, out of habit, because “as necessary, and then you die.” A lot of people even have forgotten how to distinguish between the feeling of real hunger, real needs of the body from the simple familiar of wanting something to chew on.

Do you ever whether the food is so necessary – in such quantity and quality in which we consume it every day? What is the true nutritional value, usefulness and necessity of the substance to the body?

Many researchers digestion inclined to think that the process of digestion itself requires huge amounts of energy, enzymes, minerals and vitamins that it is indeed difficult to say what is more from eating good or harm to the body? Whether food these or other products? If it improves our physical health or impairs? In the end, whether we eat to live or live to eat?

In order to answer these questions, not necessarily to study the digestive organs, chemical composition of products, content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, calories and vitamins… Enough to give the body to starve so much time that he realized what he lacks, what he really needs?

In religion, fasting is called “post”. But the essence of fasting is much more than just cleansing and recovery of the organism.

As we know from the gospel, Jesus Christ, before proceeding to the service of God, fasted 40 days, and at last asked. “Then came to Him the tempter, and said, if Thou be the Son of God, tell these stones to become loaves of bread. He said to him: it is written: not by bread alone doth man live, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God”.

What do you mean “word of God”, which can get enough people? Is any INTERACTION, communication, exchange of information with the outside world.

And post in the religious sense is not only a restriction in consumption of food, but the solitude, the hunger for information, a period when man knows himself and communicates only with God. At this time there is harmonization in the internal man. The body without the income of the food is forced to optimize power consumption, to be reconstructed in such a way as to work more efficiently, smoothly, with minimal energy consumption. In addition, at this stage it is a revision of all internal organs, tissues and cells. Old, sick cells that contain the excess substances and violates the metabolism, removed, digested by the body. And it’s new, cleaned, easy as amazing influence on mood and consciousness of man, becomes a wonderful discovery for human it is not only the stomach, not only stove which burns fat and carbohydrates for energy, but also creative, alive, conscious person! And from that moment it can indeed be considered a fully conscious person, even as the digestive process becomes conscious and full of deep meaning. It’s not just the CONSUMPTION of energy and matter, information and energy exchange with the environment, to achieve maximum harmony and minimizing losses and suffering.

That is why the spiritual path always leads the person to consume more easy, useful, vegetarian diet, eating meat, from violence to living beings.

Galina Shatalova, who studied all his life digestion and nutrition’s impact on human health, argued that the natural food of man are the FRUITS of plants, i.e. products that are by nature designed to be eaten. She pointed out that the digestive tract is not the only method of producing energy, we should not forget about the breath, movement, solar energy, and, of course, live positive communication, love, any creative activity that is an inexhaustible source of energy and life!

The aim of life of a conscious human being is to lead a harmonious way of life, in harmony with themselves (with God) and with the outside world, and teach it to others. To remove from human society all unnecessary, false and vain, hindering the full development and understanding.

Despite the fact that the book of Thomas Meyers “Anatomy trains” very useful and informative, without an understanding of the role of man and meaning of his life, it becomes another theory that attempts to explain human actions without God, by certain mechanical and physico-chemical reasons. And this path always leads to the accumulation of errors and distancing from the truth. In fact, this is the way, which in religion is called pagan, i.e. attempting to explain human behavior and natural phenomena the influence of certain “forces”, “elements”, not free creative expression, which comes from God and is expressed in each of his creations.

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