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A good reason to add plums in autumn diet

Весомые причины добавить сливы в осенний рацион Plum is not only delicious, but also useful.

Autumn plum worth eating though, because it’s her time, plum is ripe, it’s fresh and ripe. But plum is not only a beautiful fruit, they are also incredibly useful for digestion.

1. Protects cells from aging

Draining — a powerful source of antioxidants that protect the cells in our body from damage, destruction and ageing, preventing serious diseases. When we eat plums may not feel it as it happens… But let’s just believe and let the antioxidants do their job and to renew our lives until we just delicious.

2. Supports heart health

Plums are rich in potassium, which helps control blood pressure, reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke.

3. Protects from cancer

Due to the high content of antioxidants, plums are considered the defenders of lung cancer. It is necessary to include plums in your daily diet, isn’t it?

4. Good for the eyes

Plums are rich in vitamin a and other vitamins that are important for eye health. Carrot is also rich, but chew on it harder than to eat the soft and sweet plums, which, incidentally, contain another important ingredient is zeaxanthin. It helps protect the retina from harmful ultraviolet radiation.

5. Relieve bowel problems

Both fresh and dried plums (prunes) are rich in fiber and fibers that cause the intestines to work regularly.

Plums can be consumed in any form — raw, dried, frozen (in winter, for example), baked in pies, cooked into jam. Plum helps to maintain youthful skin and to follow the metabolism. So do not pass by the ripe blue fruits on the market, and the country will plant a plum tree.

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