Home / Policy / A former prisoner of the “Islamic state” became a goodwill Ambassador for the UN

A former prisoner of the “Islamic state” became a goodwill Ambassador for the UN

Бывшая пленница "Исламского государства" стала послом доброй воли ООН

Nadia Murad Bazi Taha
Photo: Julian Stratenschulte / dpa / Globallookpress.com

Woman eside, survived captivity in the territory taken by the terrorist organization “Islamic state”, was appointed goodwill Ambassador of the UN. About it writes Time magazine.

23-year-old Nadia Murad Bazi Taha will address issues to protect the dignity of survivors of slavery.

Last year, Murad told the UN Security Council its history. In 2014, she was captured by the militants and witnessed how terrorists commit mass murder of men and boys. Like many of the captured women, she had been in captivity sexual violence, it is resold several times.

The United Nations office on drugs and crime noted that this is the first appointment of the goodwill Ambassador of a man who survived slavery.

In 2014, the “Islamic state” launched an offensive in Northern Iraq and captured the city of Sinjar, inhabited by Yazidi Kurds. As a result, killed more than 5 thousand men, 50 thousand fled and were trapped in the mountains.

In June, the UN accused the militants in the genocide of the Yezidis in Syria and Iraq.

Yezidi — Kurdish ethno-confessional group, whose religion combines elements of Zoroastrianism, Christianity, Judaism and Islam. Radical Islamists consider them devil-worshipers.

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