Home / Incredible / A canadian teenager has found the lost city of the Maya

A canadian teenager has found the lost city of the Maya

Канадский подросток нашел затерянный город майяCity of the Maya can accommodate about 30 buildings and a pyramid.

Fifteen-year-old student from Quebec gadoury of William (William Gadoury) got lost in the jungles of the Yucatan the Mayan city. He managed to do it through the map service Canadian space Agency (CSA) satellite images.

Gadoury was able to locate a city, comparing star charts of the Maya with a map of their largest settlements. It turned out that most of the cities (about 120) which corresponds to the known to the Indians 22 constellations. In addition, the student discovered a new part of the celestial sphere, formed by three stars, two of which corresponded to the cities.

Gadoury decided that the third star also corresponds to the Mayan, so I approached CSA with the request to provide satellite images of the area. As a result, satellite images of schoolboy found the relief elements of human nature, reminiscent of the remains of the ancient city. Canadian called he found the settlement at K aak Chi, which means “Flaming mouth”.

It is noted that allegedly discovered the city ranks fourth in size among the famous Mayan villages and covers an area of over 100 square kilometers. In particular, inside the settlement there is a pyramid with a height of 86 meters, as well as several other buildings.

To check the veracity of the findings of the student is not yet possible — the Mayan city lies in almost impassable places in the jungles of the Yucatan.

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