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On Twitter you can now put markers on the map

В Twitter теперь можно ставить отметки на картеIn the social network Twitter made location labels.

Only one clicking on this label will open the map with marked area where it was made the tweet. Along with a map will be available the functionality of Foursquare with a detailed description of institutions, localities and geographic coordinates.

In order to see information about geolocation is not necessary to go additional information: it will be available directly in the news feed. The user will also be able to give up the hashtag to see tweets from other users directly under the place where the event occurs.

TechCrunch noted that adding to the functionality of the Twitter label of geolocation, Foursquare, in turn, expand their own user base through referrals, and this, in turn, will attract brands.
As you know, a partnership between Foursquare and Twitter was concluded in the spring of 2015.

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