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Do not think that you are not affected!

Не думайте, что вас это не касается!

Letter Ildar Dading from the colony – terrible. But can you tell me what you’ve learned from this letter that something that struck you not in form, but in fact? Do you have all this time lived with the assurance that prisoners in the colonies residing in the suites are a variety of leisure, and the guards turn to him solely on “you” but none of them never touched?

The penal system in our country has always been the most cruel. Any prisoner considered as beast. And those who were sitting for the policy — not just cattle, but also the enemy beast. Because jailers they are class enemies. If any convict to guards, in General, the same simple guy, just a little mischief, the political prisoner is a direct threat. Come to power such a Dading and the jailers themselves all to jail. And the guards understand that their superiors understand this. Hundreds of thousands of people passing through the detention centres, prison camps, will tell you the same story as Ildar Dading.

They get worse something will tell. But if anyone will be punished after this story, only the prisoner. It is all blame. They are now saying that Dading himself rushed to the staff, he provoked, he buzilov. The prisoner lunges at the guard and deliberately violates this he’s an idiot. When Magnitsky to death tortured, it then exhibited a swindler. And those who scoffed at him not just still at large, and ride like imported cheese imported oil. It all happens every day with many people in almost all places of deprivation of liberty.

Just not everyone has the ability to write at will. Just not everyone known to the public as Ildar Dading. It only gets worse. Ildar Dading was the first Russian citizen, who really put on a mocking article 212.1. But not personally for the Dading wrote it! And not just the same changed the composition of the Public monitoring Commission. Elena masuk, Zoe Light, Anna Karetnikova will not be there, as will former head of Butyrka “Magnitsky list”. Perhaps this is done to ensure that prisoners were no longer beaten, tortured, raped, do not bring to death.

Saying that from prison do not promise, was born precisely because anyone can get in, even if really not guilty of anything. That is why the story Ildar Dading important for all of us without exception.

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