Home / Science and technology / In 2017 there will be more smartphones with fingerprint readers

In 2017 there will be more smartphones with fingerprint readers

В 2017 году будет больше смартфонов со сканерами отпечатков пальцев This method is really reliable to hide the required data.

Fingerprint scanners have become available for the General users in 2015. During this period, the number of devices which were installed that kind of program was about twenty percent of the total.

In 2016, the number of protected smartphones accounted for 40%, and in 2017 it is projected that more than half of the issued gadgets will have similar kind of functions. The price for which you can receive on your phone this feature is currently only $ 3. Lately it has decreased significantly because of the mass of its acquisition, and it is possible that in the future it will become even cheaper.

When you consider the price of the total cost of an average smartphone, it turns out really cheap. Although some bought the scanners, and in absolutely cheap models, the price of which is less than one hundred dollars.

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