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Apple will be releasing children’s toys

Apple будет выпускать детские игрушки Apple won a patent dispute with manufacturer of children’s toys.

Federal Institute of industrial property has announced as invalid the decision on the legal protection of product brand Plush Apple. Plush Apple is a trademark that was registered in autumn 2010 on the company that produces plush toy Hermon Marketing Ltd.

Corporation dedicated to technological innovation, long-standing conflict with the company of baby products due to the fact that in their name using their name and releasing a product with their drawing. Apple employees believe that Plush Apple almost all copied from the legendary American company. They also said that customers mostly almost not concentrating on the various inscriptions on the back or somewhere else, they just see the front of the Apple and associate it with them.

Representatives of Plush Apple, in turn, stood his ground and wanted to convince the institution of property selling. They said that the Corporation technology another sign – an Apple with a defect, and they have a whole. But such claims of the company toys are unable to influence the decision of Rospatent, which was made not in their favor.

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