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40 thousand rubles each!

40 тысяч рублей каждому!

“All imported in the trash”, so decided 25-year-old resident of Siberia, sending in the trash everything that is made outside of Russia. For the sake of saving the young man even refused machine: switched to public transport.

The purpose of the experiment Sibiryak: to prove that you can live well with only Russian goods. In my opinion, he succeeded. On this adventure he knocked out fellow countrymen: after Evgeny Gerasimov, entrepreneurs from Angarsk, undertook to do a site with advertising of domestic goods. Times advocate – responsible for his words.

40 тысяч рублей каждому!

The first thing Eugene went for the Essentials: toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo and soap. Then do not have any problems, although the Russian shampoo is not liked by the young entrepreneur. Replaced electric was our Patriotic razor. Rugged cheeks, a couple of days of suffering and, like, not all so is terrible.

Of course, the most basic products: milk, cheese, sausages, meat Angara enough. The region is famous for its local farming.

– I have found, than to replace all imported chocolates, chips and drinks, – says Eugene. There is, for example, we have our own bars with pine nuts, peanuts. Not cloying and are cheaper. Buy cookies made in the Kemerovo region, onion rings with the taste of lobster, juice of the Krasnodar territory and the Irkutsk lemonade. The first time around even without coffee and tea – both in Russia is not growing. And then friends sent Ivan-tea. Him in Russia traditionally used for centuries. And now produce small batches. However, with the fruit we strained. If the apples and grapes you can find, that bananas do not grow in Russia. I miss their taste.

After a month of experimentation, the young man realized that it is not honest: how clothing was foreign, and left.

Most of all was afraid that will have me in my underwear to walk to the end of the experiment, although there was no certainty that they find it, – laughs Gerasimov. But underwear is the right and decent found – from Moscow firms. And bought Russian moccasins made of genuine leather, shirt, t-shirt factory in Moscow and trousers, made in Novosibirsk. Spent 4300 rubles! Business suit ordered in the Studio, it cost me only 7 thousand rubles. Imported ones would have cost me twice the price.

Judging by the pictures, came out pretty good:

40 тысяч рублей каждому!

The biggest problem of the experiment: wash. Abandoning the washing machine, Eugene began to wash in the basin. That certainly would not advise anyone. With the iPhone problems were not domestic smartphone only cost 8 thousand.

So Siberian saved as much as 40 thousand per month, while spending on products decreased by almost half. We can only rejoice over the success of the experiment. Although, about the washing basins and razors, I would be very hesitated. But the products – not a bad idea and completely implemented.

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