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YouTube will share revenue with bloggers

YouTube поделится доходами с блогерамиThis change in the policy of the site will take in the next time period.

The administration of video hosting YouTube has decided that bloggers who use video in their videos protected by copyright, should receive interest from the rights holders.

This means that the policy Content ID soon change dramatically. The service manual, discussing these details of the resource, came to the conclusion that bloggers should be rewarded by the right holders, because, in fact, they make the advertising content. Will help to implement this idea, the system of revenue share.

Currently, the copyright owners of that work’s Content ID system, have the ability to unconditionally block any of the content in which they see the slightest violation of these very rights to their property. Fortunately, it is used infrequently.

On specific dates for making decisions about changing policies, Content ID until it is. To know precisely about how exactly she will change, too, is impossible.

It is worth noting that on the territory of Russia soon have to earn a paid YouTube Red, which is different from his brother only in that it has no ads.

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