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Won neprogolosovat

Победила партия непроголосовавших

The turnout was no. 25-26% in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

That is, WHO won?
Show completely…
No, not the Edrosov 40%, because it is only 10-12% (TEN) percent of the voting population.


I venture to think that a minimal part of them were “boycotters”.

To whom to share the remaining, say, 70%?
In the West, not go to the polls just one share. we have the elections come.

The remaining is let’s say for the Western alignment, and 30% just a normal “passive”. They did not go, do not go and never will go.

Thus, approximately 40% of the electorate – those who did not come, because they know, “nothing to change”, right?

If only half of them, if it came, that is 20%, and voted against Edra, here and FSE – that would end Putinism!
Even THIRD would be enough – and it would be more than it is now at Edra.

Why don’t people vote?
Yes, because there is no common Alliance against the existing system!

Discussion question in advance for the Soviet people provocative:
what. if you enter a BINDING vote for all 100%?

Such a rule is not a “totalitarian coercion” exists in some cantons of Switzerland: can not walk. but then just pay a minimal fine of 10 to 20 Euro: “for a violation of the law.”

But there is such a law, and in the huge, 20-30 million Australia!
He was accepted at the time because there were few people and was afraid that a thread of the town of all farmers “Pergolese!
I don’t know the penalties in Australia for contravening the law. but it’s there. because almost all Australians in elections always go.

Another lesson.
The struggle for freedom continues as scheduled!

Sergey Fedulov

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