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Why the need for activated carbon

Для чего нужен активированный угольIn almost all first aid kits include activated carbon.

Activated carbon is a special activated methods of porous amorphous carbon. He strongly felt common to all porous bodies surface phenomena of adsorption and catalytic action. Activated carbon in its chemical composition is 99% pure carbon, and its porosity ranges from 15 to 97.5% by volume. To produce activated carbon, use peat, wood and coal, plant material is heated without access of air, which then is subjected to special chemical treatment. The result is a solid with a fine porous cage with high absorbency.

Activated charcoal – a drug that relieves intoxication. Enterosorbiruyuschee and thanks to its detoxification properties it is used, primarily, for food poisoning. Activated carbon is the ideal antidote (antidote). It is used in alcoholic intoxication, also helps in cases of poisoning by salts of heavy metals, drugs, derivatives of phenol, and hydrocyanic acid.

Ingestion of activated carbon gives good results in the treatment of severe infectious diseases: dysentery, typhoid, cholera. In addition, it helps with flatulence, chronic gastritis, persistent colitis, hyperacidity of gastric juice. The coal used in severe forms of diarrhea.

Application features

To the activated carbon began to take effect, you must create an excess in the stomach. In cases of poisoning or intoxication should be taken 20-30 grams of coal immediately, preferably by making the slurry. To do this, crush activated charcoal tablets, dissolve the powder in a glass of water and drink this mixture. You can simply chew the tablets and wash down with water.

For gastric lavage in case of poisoning it is also used activated charcoal, spreading one tablespoon of powder in 1 l of water. Then you need to take it inside in the form of a liquid suspension. For flatulence, indigestion, diarrhea activated charcoal take 1-2 grams 2-4 times a day after meals with water.


Although activated carbon is not toxic, it also has some contraindications. It does not take ulcerative diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is impossible to use coal in case of suspected intestinal bleeding. If there is hypersensitivity to the drug, the overdose could face trouble. Side effects of activated charcoal is not established, that is, it is practically safe and well excreted from the body. During its excretion, by the way, the chair is painted in black color.

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