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Why the love of beer a dangerous

Почему любовь к пиву опаснаFans drink beer much worse than those who are not fond of the drink

Drank in day more than two pints (1.1 litres) men inflict your brain with a devastating loss, because, thus, accelerating the process of memory loss and reduced cognitive functions.

This disappointing conclusion was made on the results of the study, experts from University College London.

For the past ten years, scientists have observed for more than 7000 men and women who work as civil servants. Most of them allowed themselves to relax after work in the pub to miss two or three mugs of beer. The results showed that those who daily consumed more than 1.1 liters, in a short time, there was a significant reduction in the productivity of the brain. But those men who consumed less than one and a half pints of beer a day (850 ml), which is half a mug, does not suffer from an additional reduction in cognitive functions and memory loss.

The most ardent fans of beer at age 64-66 years the memory was as it happens in people over 70. The study shows that some of the age-related memory loss can be attributed not only to years but also to the excessive consumption of beer. To check the memory of the volunteers, the specialists used a variety of techniques, but all of them have fans to drink beer more than one liter per day memory was much worse, than those who are not fond of this drink so much.

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