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Why scaly skin: the main causes

Почему шелушится кожа: основные причиныWith the peeling skin to cope much easier than with other cosmetic problems.

The best state of mind, when the beauty inside matches the beauty outside, experts say.

For many, the main thing to be beautiful only on the outside and what’s inside doesn’t matter.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and his skin has the right to be beautiful.

Under the beauty of the skin and also means caring for it. Different people can equally experience the discomfort on the skin. This is reflected in acne, pimples, scars, can also peel off the skin on the face, what to do? Read on.

Every disease has its cure. With severe scars can be dealt with by the transfusion of blood or blood purification, and can then be a procedure for sanding skin to make its structure more smooth. Acne can pass if you regularly and comprehensively to care for the skin specially selected funds, and from time to time to visit the doctor cosmetologist, and methods of dealing with pimples are just a great many.

In the treatment of skin diseases, doctors, along with beauty treatments, prescribe drugs for ingestion or specifically develop diet, eliminating those foods which may be a different rash. General guidelines known to all. People with skin problems should eat less salt, spicy, drink more water, eat fruits, vegetables and dairy products with bifidobacteria. Such a diet would benefit any healthy person, so don’t worry and feel worse than others if the doctor gave You such advice, on the contrary, to rejoice.

With the peeling skin to cope much easier than with other cosmetic problems. The skin peels off usually in the cold period, when it is lacking vitamins or it is not sufficiently hydrated. The second reason for the peeling may be the structure of the skin, if the skin is prone to dryness. The notorious third reason is the peeling after peeling or laser resurfacing. Old cells die and begin to fall by peeling, the skin is renewed and becomes more clear, smooth and young.

Don’t worry, if You feel that Your skin peels off. Simply wash with thermal water or lubricate it with a nourishing cream. The unpleasant feeling will disappear again and You’ll Shine and smile, paying no attention to small faults.

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