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Why do women drink coffee

Почему женщинам не желательно пить кофеCaffeine has a negative effect on duration and severity of symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.

Dr. Bryce Wylde says that fragrant and invigorating black coffee is not the most useful drink, especially if we are talking about the negative consequences of its use for the female body.

The first of such adverse effects doctor calls higher predisposition to depressive moods. At least, when coffee is excluded from the diet suffering from depression, his mood and the General condition started to improve.

Also coffee can increase the predisposition to the development of gastritis and significant bone loss. According to some, drinking only one and a half cups of coffee a day lowers a woman’s chances of natural conception. Besides, drinks that contain large portions of caffeine, have a negative impact on the duration and severity of symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, which is why women suffering from this syndrome, it is better to completely abandon the use of caffeine or minimize it.

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