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Why can’t you bite your nails: 3 reasons

Почему нельзя грызть ногти: 3 причиныA huge number of people are faced with one small, but very “ugly” habit – nail biting.

For some people any stress, as well as reading books, watching TV and such mundane things can become a reason to start biting your nails.

Surveys show that victims of this not-too-useful habits appreciate its calming effect. The urge to bite nails is fraught not only very beautiful from an aesthetic point of view with the fingertips, but also serious health problems. And here are three main ones.

1. Problems with the stomach. Biting the nails of a person can very easily absorb a large amount of bacteria accumulated in this area of the fingers. He puts them to his mouth, where they enter the stomach. Hands throughout the day we touch many different dirty surfaces, and under the nails, the bacteria can remain viable for a long time.

2. Infections of the nails. Obrezannye nails are the ideal gateway for infections. Teeth people causes himself microtrauma, tiny damage to the skin around the nails, which pass the infection.

3. The destruction of the nail bed. The most obvious consequence of bad habits. Note that the nail bed is one of the indicators the visual appeal of people, and this is especially true for women. Men pay attention to women’s nails, so izvrashenie they are unlikely to enjoy.

Biting nails can be very stable, and it is sometimes difficult to refuse, even if it much want. That’s why there’s no shame in having to go to a psychologist and get professional help in this matter.

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