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Why can’t we have fast

Почему нельзя есть быстроExperts recommend eating slowly, singling out for lunch at least 30 minutes.

In autumn, the problem of excess weight is exacerbated because the body is easier and faster depositing fat in reserve in anticipation of cold weather. One or two pounds is normal, but if you continue to gain weight, you should pay attention not only to what you eat, but how you do it.

Modern man is accustomed to devouring the food on the go, always somewhere in a hurry, and eat foods that are quick and easy to prepare, or does not require. Even sitting at the dinner table, someone manages to eat a few meals in 10-15 minutes. And then eating all of this dessert, because it seems that he is still hungry. This is because our brain needs some time to react to changed circumstances and to convey the body that the necessary amount of nutrients already obtained.

“When we are rapidly absorbed his lunch, we eat more than we need to saturate and before the brain will give us a stop command. Moreover, poorly chewed food has a negative impact on digestive function and health of the digestive tract. Not to mention the fact that in this way we deprive ourselves the pleasure of food, don’t have time to enjoy her taste and aroma. The trouble is that when this signal reaches us, we have already overeaten. Hence the simple conclusion – give the meal at least 30 minutes and you will be surprised that saturated with much fewer products and do not experience after lunch, the feeling of sleepiness and fatigue,” advises dietician Lyudmila Babich.

Another important rule is to eat, not being distracted by TV, browsing magazines or using the computer. Thus, without noticing, we eat a lot of excess. Especially, according to the doctor, harmful so-called “situational” products – for example, if we are eating chips, drinking beer during a football match, or absorbed by vedera ice cream while watching soap operas.

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