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Effective methods of dealing with the “brutal” appetite

Эффективные методы борьбы со «зверским» аппетитомExperts on nutrition told us how to fight the urge to constantly open the fridge.

If you eat large portions, have a sweet tooth and every time before going to sleep he looks in the fridge, the qualitatively to lose weight you never will. Nutritionist Svetlana FUS and the psychologist Natalia Kholodenko told about the effective ways of dealing with excessive appetite, reports the Chronicle.Info with reference on the STB.

“Many people suffer from excess weight due to the fact that they eat more than they need and more than their body is able to digest! – says Svetlana FUS. – Why is this happening? In rare cases, the guilty party, when it is simply impossible to refuse fresh barbecue or a wedding cake, but most often the cause daily eating large portions is distended stomach”.


Portion that fits in our stomach is two palms. If you eat twice as much and still would not refuse the little sandwich – your stomach is distended. The problem of overeating is due to the fact that our organism is so constituted that a signal that the person is full, reaches the brain only after 15 minutes after filling of the stomach. And it turns out that our stomach is full, but the brain doesn’t know about it, it seems to us that we still want to eat. And due to the elasticity of the walls of the stomach we can for those 15 minutes to accommodate a portion of food.

If we overeat regularly, the stomach wall is stretched, which means that the signal of saturation will be sent to the brain only when twice the stomach to fill with food. And all anything, but you will eat twice more than you need, and you will begin to appear fat – you will get fat!

To stretch the stomach, enough for three or four days – a week maximum. Many people know that after the new year or Easter in order to eat, we should eat more than usual. But and to return the stomach to its normal condition, only one week. A month later a proper diet you have and tricks is not required – you simply will eat smaller portions.

Drink water, eat chocolate

“To eat smaller portions, it is necessary for 15 minutes before eating drink a glass of water, and at the end of the meal dissolve 2-3 pieces of dark chocolate. And focus in that, so as not to swallow them all at once, and sucking like a Lollipop,” – says Svetlana FUS.

Drinking a glass of water before a meal, we partially fill our stomach – it will get less food. And thanks to chocolate signal of satiety to the brain faster. The fact that the glucose contained in chocolate, begins to be absorbed into the blood, while still in the mouth, so no need to wait for 15 minutes until it gets into the stomach, and he will give a signal to the brain. In the end, eat less, be satisfied faster. But the main thing is to drink water before meals and in about 15 minutes, if we drink water while eating, it just dilutes the gastric juice, and the food will be digested slower.

Harmful snacks

It often happens that at lunch we eat a little, but still they make love for the Goodies. All these Goodies can not be called healthy food. Most often it is chips, chocolate bars, cookies, cakes, ice cream, fried chicken – the worst enemies of our figure and health. We love to indulge in not apples or carrots, and foods that contain fast carbs – the ones that will immediately give a signal to the brain that you have eaten. But the problem is that the effect is not long-term. You had a bite, the brain instantly got the signal that you are full, but after half an hour the hunger returns, because the stomach is nearly empty. And you eat again, then it repeats – we give our body a lot more food than it needs for normal functioning, and all the surplus is the result of deposited rolls of fat on your body.

The reason can be stress. “I’m sure many have noticed how, after a quarrel with her husband, a difficult work day of the exam, we feel an irresistible desire to pamper themselves with the fact that most love as a reward for all our suffering. Thus, we seize the stress!” – the psychologist Natalia Kholodenko.

Do self-massage

Try self-massage. 15-20 times click on the dot under the nose, then a minute or two RUB the earlobes and much, press the area between your thumb and index finger. Massage the point under your nose will help to distract from unnecessary thoughts, massage the lobes will have a relaxing effect, massage the point between the thumb and index finger will. But most importantly you will be able to resist the temptation to eat harmful a favorite treat, as the need for it simply will disappear.

Meal at night

“The cause of the night is absolutely basic and Jora is that you are hungry! – says Svetlana FUS. – That’s why I always say: no matter how you tried to limit yourself in food, do not forget a hearty Breakfast and a full lunch and a light dinner, because the body will necessarily require the missing energy before bedtime.”

“It’s all about emotional experiences, says psychologist Natalia Kholodenko. The afternoon we are overcome by a variety of thoughts about the past or about the future, which often provoke feelings of fear or insecurity, do not give us to sleep and lure us to the fridge. A housewife may be concerned with thoughts about the future of children, a student worried about the outcome of the exam, and the clerk may think about problems at work and how to earn money to feed his family. Yet there is a theory that the essence of a night of overeating is that we are all by nature predators. And many predatory animals hunt at night, what facilitates their battle for survival”.

Overeating from the night we heal very quickly. This is because in the evening, in spite of enhanced appetite, the activity of the digestive tract is reduced. Needas at night, you should know that you will find two of developments – in the best case, your stomach will digest the received food all night, and finally he gets put it to rest (as a result, wear out faster, hence chronic). Well, in the worst case he will sleep with you, and then the food that is inside you, will undergo the natural process of decomposition. Hence the bloating, confusion, constipation and most importantly – the severity and headaches in the morning. After all, all evolved for a night, the toxins from this food is absorbed into the blood and poison it.

Breathe right

To get rid of Jora night helps breathing exercise. It’s called “the Frog”. Sitting on a chair, relax your body, lean forward, rest your elbows on your knees and put your palms on top of each other the back up. Tilt your head, forehead lightly touching the top of the palm. Take a slow and deep breath, keep calm, hold your breath, and then another breath, short and energetic (something like a sob), and then easily and smoothly exhale to capacity. You need to do 60 reps. The “frog” improves metabolism, helps to relax and to abandon the oppressive thoughts of you. And most importantly – to distract from thoughts about food and to fight off the desire to walk to the fridge.

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