Home / Economy / Why Belarus celebrates November 7 – and it gives to its economy

Why Belarus celebrates November 7 – and it gives to its economy

Почему Беларусь отмечает 7 ноября – и это дает ее экономике

When on the eve of the main holiday of the USSR, the successor of which Russia has declared itself the President of Belarus has addressed to fellow citizens:

“Dear compatriots!

I congratulate you on the Day of the October revolution.

In the twentieth century, this event holds a special place. It has had a significant impact on the course of world history and determined the fate of many Nations.

Available social good, ideals of equality, peace, ethnic harmony, developed in the Soviet era, still apply today. The USSR carried out a powerful breakthrough in the development of industry, agriculture, energy, space technologies, laying the Foundation for entire industries and new areas of research. The success of the Soviet Union in the field of culture and sport became the province of all mankind and brought the country international fame.

Today we are proud labor feats of military heroism, scientific discoveries of the Soviet era. Seek to preserve and enhance the best of what we have inherited from predecessors that determined their priorities of values such as justice, labor, equality.

With us invaluable experience of previous generations, which means that we much on the shoulder.

With a holiday!

Alexander Lukashenko”


Belarus is a splinter of the USSR. Is it good or not, difficult to say outright. But it is a fragment,…

When Lukashenko came to power, the main Belarusian enterprises – MAZ, MTZ, “Horizon” and others – was ready for sale. Agriculture, too, wanted to crack down on the example of how it was done in Russia, switched in the 90s from their grubs on “Bush legs”. Belarus, which has almost no fossil natural resources, giving its industry-privatizers could lose everything. It’s like if Russia gave all of its oil and gas company to the Americans.

Lukashenko in his country’s rampant privatisation was not allowed. And industrial production had begun to grow – then as we were bankrupt and gave up for scrap. In rural areas, emphasis was placed on agro-towns and large farms, close to essentially the old collective farms and state farms.

For utilities, the population of Belarus is still paying no more than 50% of the actual cost of utilities are not at the mercy of management companies. Medicine for all its free – and relatively inexpensive for non-citizens. There is, in principle, such a sad thing as a “collection service”.

And yet many more remained from the Soviet era. First of all, ideology.

Here’s another significant fact – at the time, Lukashenko was almost sent to jail by the Russian oligarch Kerimov for trying to give a bribe of $ 5 billion. for sale at the cheap potash company. Kerimov was still far away, but his first mate in Belarus under arrest has been a long time. The conflict eventually was resolved, but Kerimov paid dearly for their imprudent…


In Belarus, November 7 note, is there a day off. In Russia November 7 no, the former “red letter day” turned into a celebration on 4 November, whose name, according to various polls, do not possess half of Russians.

In Belarus the economy is stable, people are not impoverished.

In Russia – PIR bureaucratic-oligarchic bourgeoisie and the sunset all the others…

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