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What’s waiting for TERA in the near future

Что ждет TERA в ближайшем будущемTERA: The Next will find a whole bunch of all kinds of amenities.

Destiny Development excited to share plans for the next few weeks.

So, before the summer Russian TERA: The Next will find a whole bunch of all kinds of amenities. First of all, in may the servers will be installed a large-scale update that, among other things, will introduce users fantasy MMO with a new class of Shinobi.

Moreover, according to the developers, the upcoming addon will bring with it completely new — winged — Pets that are able to fly. Not to mention the unknown dungeon with the “nightmare” boss.

Then, especially for the may holidays, Destiny Development is preparing a special in-game event, the details of which, however, is still unknown. But before the end of this month, the developers will open the veil of secrecy. And anyway, the publisher of TERA promises often hold similar events and make them more diverse. Plus in the long term, of course, looming contests. Within you for your victory, for example, will get a rare glowing title of “Lightning”. While the other will show you who’s the real “Mr. and Miss TERA”.

Finally, in the coming months, improvements will become subject to “League Seasons”. Destiny Development plans to add multi-functional private office, where will be presented all points and achievements of the player, and also developing special Userbars.

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