At the last plenary session of the State Assembly (Il Tumen) laws were passed to ban the sale of alcoholic beverages on the territory of 15 villages of Yakutia. And only in our Republic 29 villages where alcohol is not sold at all, and 58 reference centres HLS. And about 30 settlements are preparing to adopt a complete ban.
“Unanimously voted to ban alcohol”, – the head of the village of Namsky ulus Hatyryk
To be honest, I used to drink sometimes on holidays, Smoking, – says Alexey Pinigin, head of the village Hatyryk Namsky ulus. And health I was pretty bad. At some point I realized that so can not continue, and dropped all bad habits. He started to run, examine your body. The more I improved, the more I was hurt to see how some inhabitants of the village become an inveterate drunkard. So I decided to fight for people’s health.
In 2011 we conducted a survey of the population of the village. And this, incidentally, more than 1,000 people. The idea was simple: every resident handed out a questionnaire with only one question: what to do with the sale of alcohol to the villagers. And there were three possible answers: “Leave it as is, Sell only on Saturdays-Sundays” and “to Prohibit”. More than 90% of residents supported a total ban. Thus, five years ago, we became the support center HLC and rural areas, completely banning the sale of alcohol on its territory. After that, we approached the heads of other agricultural communities, asking how we did it, what needs to be done and so on.
Of course, we were frightened by many things, – continues Alexey Mikhailovich. – Supposedly, the stores will go bankrupt, will open “point” on the illegal sale of alcohol, the population will begin to leave the village. In fact, the opposite happens.
We had two stores – over the years opened another. Opened new facilities: kindergarten “Keskil” on 50 places, bakery, cafe “Dalbar”, German modular hospital with 15 beds. There are new jobs. If earlier the youth in the quarter was only 2 houses, now more than ten of them. For the first time in several years was observed natural increase of the population: people come to the village, the children are born. The number of large families increased. In the village two kindergartens and three-storey stone school. New built semi-detached house for young professionals.
Developing rural and small businesses. Last year it works consumer cooperative “Ugu”. During the years of “prohibition” dramatically reduced the number of crimes. If before the drunken fights were not uncommon, now they simply do not. Halved the number of calls to the hospital for various injuries, the fault of which served alcohol.
“The youth comes to the village”, – the Deputy head of Tamisage naslega Mountain ulus
Our agricultural community has a rich past, – says Kseniya Vasilyeva, Deputy head Tamisage naslega Mountain district. – Next year we will celebrate 125 years since its formation. Over the years and a lot has happened good and bad. Twenty years ago, unfortunately, broke up the large collective enterprise nasleg “DuChene”, which consisted of more than one hundred and fifty workers. Unemployment and the economic crisis has plunged the population of the agricultural community into the abyss of alcoholism, from which we had to get out for a long time.
The first steps in this direction were made in 2002, continues Ksenia Mikhailovna. Then at the initiative of Council of veterans “Tirah” from alcohol dependence according to the method Shichko got rid of eight people. And in March 2009, 94% of people have announced their wish and voted to maintain the prohibition of sales of alcoholic products on the territory of our agricultural community. Alas, the decision was appealed and revoked by the Prosecutor’s office of the Mountain district. Nevertheless, we persevered and began to conduct active explanatory work. Spent months “Citizens of the Mountain district for spirituality and sobriety”, conversations with young people, invited lecturers national level. Talked to each entrepreneur. And so, with 2014 on-site Tamisage nasleg stopped the sale of wine-vodka products. To this day in the village of Byas-kyel no shop with the right to sell liquor.
What good things happened during this time? From year to year there is a natural increase by raising birth children. Comes youth, young families, and professionals. Increased construction of individual houses. Over the past 5 years put into operation 19 houses. Despite the ban, and maybe even thanks to him, increased the number of individual entrepreneurs. In 2008 there were only 12, now 32. Twice decreased the incidence of chronic alcoholism. Administrative offences became 4 times less. Holding non-alcoholic events became a good tradition. Since 2009, there are 22: 8 weddings, 10 holidays, housewarming, anniversary 4. And much, much more.
“Unemployment is almost defeated,” Deputy head of the village Tumul Ust-Aldansky ulus
Since then, as we banned the sale of alcohol on its territory and received the status of a Reference centre, healthy lifestyle, greatly increased public activity of the population, says Alban Strekalovsky, Deputy head of the village Tumul Ust-Aldansky ulus. – Previously, the need was not, and now all play sports, participate in competitions on hapsagay, skiing, Nordic walking between twelve. We even shoot their feature films! Weddings, anniversaries and celebrations have become soft. Actively working NGOs: the Council of dads “Bayanay”, youth organization “Sagan sianara”, the Council of women “Dweller”, Council of persons with disabilities and veterans.
In addition, much reduced levels of crime and administrative offences. Almost a third have reduced morbidity, the number of dead and injured from alcohol intoxication. Together with a sober and healthy lifestyle in the village appeared a lot of individual entrepreneurs who have decided one long-standing problem of the village is unemployment. The number unemployed for five years has been reduced by half.
Due to the increase in the population of the village and the arrival of permanent residence 30 young families, has been allocated a separate land plot for individual housing construction. There is a new quarter. All this gives hope for a better future of the village – sums Alban Innokentievich.