Home / Medicine / What to put on mosquito bites: effective folk remedies

What to put on mosquito bites: effective folk remedies

Чем мазать укусы комаров: эффективные народные средства Folk remedies that you can smear mosquito bites.

According to the dermatologists to relieve itching and inflammation resulting from mosquito bites by using folk and improvised.

The most effective means in the fight against bites is antimicrobial ointment (e.g., Panthenol) and essential oils: lavender, eucalyptus, tea tree. To reduce itching you can also use mint toothpaste – for this purpose it is enough to apply on the bite and leave to dry, then rinse with warm water.

Bites well helps the vinegar. Best suited Apple: moisten a cotton pad with Apple cider vinegar and apply to the bite for a few minutes. Not less effective remedy is a solution of soda (one tablespoon of soda in half a liter of water).

Reduce inflammation will also help the ice. For this purpose it is necessary to apply to the bite for 15 – 20 minutes.

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