Home / Money / What are the consequences of the abolition of the indexation of pensions

What are the consequences of the abolition of the indexation of pensions

Какие последствия может иметь отмена индексации пенсий

The Ministry of Finance proposes not to index pensions to working pensioners next year, and two consecutive years, up to 2019. Thus, considering the planned rate of inflation, workers will lose the elderly in the coming years to 20% of their real income.


Strikes, of course, not the initiative of the Ministry of Finance. The Agency is known “hard” statements. It is surprising that a new initiative, the Ministry of Finance, made on the eve of elections to the State Duma. You know that seniors make up 40% of voters included in lists for voting. But the problem is that young people to the polls and middle-aged people go not very active, but retired show amazing discipline. In Federal elections, where the turnout is usually between 60 to 70 percent, seniors often make up more than half of all voters.

The impression that the “party of power” if she specifically lowers your rating. So much so cleverly as not to be able to make political competitors.

But it’s not that the proposed measures, as the same abolition of the indexation of pensions, unpopular. In General, it seems that the authorities pass a certain line.


It is no secret that our people are very patient. He is willing to put up with difficulties and to comfort themselves with the hope that in the future things will somehow improve. Not only do two things: to drive people into a corner and openly insult.

If mono is not paid a salary, and for non-payment of electricity and other benefits of civilization, the people will rebel. This was, for example, in Pikalevo, where urgently to resolve the situation were forced to go the President.

If we talk about an open insult, the government is in any case should not tell people that they live so bad, and in General tolerate it their vocation. For insulting and blatant rudeness people can perceive the abolition of privileges. You can remember the mass protests in 2005.

If the government says that the problem really is, but all are working to eliminate them, then the citizens will make themselves believe in the presence of bright prospects.

But how to interpret the famous phrase of Dmitry Medvedev “no money but you keep”? Or offer teachers to do business? And now the Finance Ministry’s proposals to index pensions to working pensioners over the next three years?

— The Ministry of Finance says no money. Actually the money is there. Recently, one activist, who fought against corruption, found nine billion rubles. The nine billion would be enough for the indexation of pensions this year, which replaced a one-time payment. The money can be found. Just the Ministry of Finance apparently does not consider it necessary to do so.

The Finance Ministry’s proposals will lead to the fact that some working pensioners will stop working. Especially those whose wages are low. They are simply unprofitable to continue to work. Part of the working pensioners will go into the shade, they will not be issued officially. Now there are cases where people are waiting for indexing, and asked to delay the execution. By the time of indexing people will leave, get a new payment, and then again to get a job. Options can be many. Assure that loopholes are many.

The Russian economy in the end will lose a lot of working people. Proclaimed measures have caused social discontent. In the future people will not accept the situation. People will Express their opinion in elections. As a whole, will increase social tensions.

Why this is done is a mystery. It is possible that the Treasury wants such a strange way to support their initiatives. They say, “party of power” still wins the election. And it can be said that voters knew about the plans to abolish the indexation of pensions, but agreed to the proposed measures.

Maybe there is some kind of utilitarian purpose. That is developed bureaucratic intrigue against Dmitry Medvedev, who heads the Russian government. Thus, they show contempt for the electoral campaign and believe that the “party of power” will still win, despite everything.

Naturally, the Finance Ministry proposed measures do not go in the “plus” to working pensioners. And for them it will be an argument to vote against the “party of power”. And it is worth considering that seniors usually disciplined, among them turnout is high enough.

Of course, such statements of those in power only stir up discontent. Because people thinks that they themselves are the powers that be there are no problems with income, pensions. Such statements undermine the credibility of the government and the authority of the “party of power”.

— Apparently, the “top” believe they have all you can. Well, many of the authorities in many countries make these kinds of mistakes. At some point you start to talk to people in the style of a gentleman unhappy with their slaves for their lack of servility. But such behavior usually follows a historic punishment. Let’s see what we will have.


If this discontent in the elections can not be channeled, and it will be announced that the “party of power” had won, and the people themselves approved the abolition of indexation, then nothing good will not have to wait. Elections in many countries there are in order to the discontent had access. Accordingly, the new government should somehow mitigate the existing claim. We have, where elections were not such a tool may be a crisis. Initially, the hardware, if the government did listen to the people. If you do not listen, there will be a social crisis.

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