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What are the benefits and the harm of sweets

В чем польза и вред от сладостейIn addition to energy, sweetness and bring psychological benefits to people.

It is impossible to say that sweet is harmful. Moreover, the fruits can also be sweet, but the harm they bring. When talking about sweets, we usually mean candy, cakes, pies, fancy bread, or chocolate. They can be both beneficial and harmful to our body.

In sweets the main components are carbohydrates. They act as a source of energy. The carbohydrates very quickly satisfy hunger as quickly digested. In addition, all the sweets have more calories because they contain a lot of fat. So sweet perfect for power supply in conditions when there is no possibility is high-grade to eat, and there is a lot of energy. For this reason, condensed milk and chocolate included in the food rations of mountain climbers.

In addition to energy, sweetness and bring psychological benefits to people. After eating cake or chocolates, many people have improved mood. This is the psychological moment connected with the production of endorphins (happiness hormones).

As for harm, which bring sweetness, then, unfortunately, it is much more than good. Sweets have a high glycemic index. This figure shows how rapidly increasing levels of insulin in the blood after being hit in her glucose. Foods with a high glycemic index very quickly satisfy hunger, but just as quickly cause a new.

The consumption of sweet, in the digestive tract is the breakdown of sugar to glucose and its absorption into the blood. The high concentration of glucose in the blood is dangerous for the body, because in this case begins to rapidly produce the hormone insulin. Part of it is spent on the distribution of glucose throughout the body, and part is used to lock the disintegration of existing fat and the formation of new fat cells.

Therefore, the excessive use of sweet products invariably leads to excess weight. In addition, there is a psychological dependence on sweets. Very often people begin to “jam” their problems.

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