Home / Business / “We’re neck-deep in blood” Victoria Makarska supported the abortion ban

“We’re neck-deep in blood” Victoria Makarska supported the abortion ban


For Anton and Victoria Makarska children — the greatest happiness in life. For a long time, a couple could not conceive a child. Only after 13 years of marriage the couple came to light long-awaited daughter Mary, and was born one year ago her little brother Vanya.


Victoria believes that a child is a gift from above, therefore, actively opposes abortion. Makarska also supported the idea of the Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia Kirill to ban abortion throughout Russia.



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“In great Russia to escape so that the tens of millions to kill their children, not knowing that it’s bad! A complete lack of responsibility from the media for the false articles that promote abortion, stating that a conceived child is not a man at all, but a bunch of cells, lead Russia to disaster. If we will not educated people (from the phrase “Image of God”) if we don’t get from bestial perception of the material world, without faith in the spiritual world, we are waiting for the great tribulation and turmoil. I fully support our Patriarch and the chief Mufti for the signature ban abortion. When Athos elders asked me what to do to Russia began to flourish, the answer was: “Stop killing millions of their children!” We’re neck-deep in the blood of our murdered Russian children,” said Victoria in an interview to “Komsomolskaya Pravda”.


The Patriarch was also supported by singer Diana Gurtskaya: all women, decided to have an abortion, she suggested to give birth and give the baby to her.

Виктория уверена, что ребенок – дар свыше

Виктория и Антон всегда мечтали иметь много детей

Рождения дочери Маши супруги ждали 13 лет

Виктория с дочерью Машей

Недавно у пары появился на свет сын Ваня

Антон с сыном Ваней

Виктория и Антон также подумывают об усыновлении ребенка    instagram.com/makarskie/

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