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Baby-boxes and abortions: what to do

(News of medicine) From two initiatives — one legislative, and other public — will be presented for discussion to the State Duma of the Russian Federation in the near future.

Senator Elena Mizulina has developed a draft law on the closure of baby-boxes — specially equipped places with the cradle, where a woman who decides to abandon the child can leave. In turn, Patriarch Kirill signed a petition to ban abortions, extending to both public and private medicine

As one would expect, yet these proposals have given rise to very mixed reactions. Some are happy that will stop, finally, infanticide, and would-be mothers think about the consequences of their decisions. Other not willing to give up given the state of freedom of choice. Doctors fear a surge of maternal mortality, and workers of social protection — a new wave of foundlings. In General, everyone has their own truth, and the truth is always somewhere in the middle. To get closer to her tried participants of the round table, which took place in Pskov. About what will a ban on abortion and baby boxes, thought doctors, psychologists, clergymen, representatives of public organizations.


Head of Department of organization of medical-prophylactic aid to the population of the State Committee of the Pskov region on health and pharmacy Olga Kotin oppose abortion as such, but believes that the statutory prohibitions will lead to even more dire consequences than the demographic decline. The woman who decided to get rid of the child does not think about punishment, nor about the health consequences. Meantime, the situation can be kept under control. Olga Kotin noted that the number of abortions in Pskov region over the last five years fell fifteen hundred. Moreover, there is a regional target program aimed at preventing abortion. From 2012, all women who want to get rid of the child, staffed by specially trained psychologists. In the end, ten percent of Pskovites who applied to the antenatal clinic for a referral for an abortion, renounce your intention.

— I believe that the current system of medical care, when a woman does not spend money on surgery and she decides, is the best — sure, Olga Kotin. — You need to leave everything as is but change the attitude of society toward this problem, strengthening the work with young people and fostering a responsible attitude to motherhood.

I agree with my colleague and the chief physician of the Pskov perinatal center Sergei Sukmany. The main problem he sees in the lack of education and health literacy of the population, and also to some carelessness representatives of the fairer sex. For example, in the West, every woman thinks about protection from unwanted pregnancy by using the contraceptive method. But the Russians, according to the doctor, lack of prudence and foresight. Moreover, the availability of abortion may cause the woman to think about contraception. Some patients don’t even remember how many operations did. Sometimes their number reaches 12… on the other hand, I’m sure Sergei Sukmany, the withdrawal of abortion from the MMI system will hit the poor, which will inevitably lead to the growth of criminal interventions.


Doctors fear that with the introduction of the veto on abortion, our country will once again step on the same rake as in the middle of the last century. Until 1936, when abortion up to 12 weeks was permitted, the maternal mortality rate was 26 percent. And over the next 12 years, when they had mass ban on the operation, in the result of illegal abortions killed seventy percent of the women. In the same years increased the number of murders of newborn babies, which was decided by their mothers.

— Well, that no one proves the necessity of the existence of abortion, as such, says cleric of the Pskov-caves monastery Archimandrite Chrysanthus. We all understand that this is an absolute evil. On the other hand, society is very flexibly suited to the solution of this problem, which can not but rejoice. We are talking about some exceptional moments. For example, when the existing diagnosis — in particular, an ectopic pregnancy can threaten a woman’s life. We are not saying that to ban abortion is necessary immediately, because perfectly understand: at this stage, the society is not ready. But abortion in the compulsory health insurance system, make abortion a social norm with which we cannot agree.

Discussing the issue of abortion and baby boxes, rector of St. Tikhon’s Orthodox school, Archpriest Andrey Vakhrushev touched her spiritual origins. In his opinion, the murder of a baby in the womb, and its abandonment after the birth are the consequences of a whole series of mistakes made in the process of its development. And most important of them — the loss of chastity. But many temptations can be avoided thanks to the values that are imparted only in the family. Mom and dad, not the doctors, teachers and police, should teach the child to live according to conscience and to take responsibility for their own actions. With great gratitude, the priest mentioned about his parents who lived though poor, but together, soul to soul, and none of the six children was not a burden. It is looking at father Andrey Vakhrushev chose the path of priestly service.

— Of course we can bless abortion, but every pastor is doing everything to prevent it, — said the Archpriest.


The member of Public chamber Alina Chernova said opponents that about any prohibition of abortion cannot be discussed while the child benefits from a half to three years is 50 rubles. It financial difficulties, loneliness, and the awareness of helplessness compel women to terminate a pregnancy. Although, according to Abbot Chrysanthos, involved in pre-abortion counseling in the Pechora district hospital, none of the women with whom he came in contact, refused to accept her proposed financial assistance. In most cases, pearance decided on such desperate step from-for impossibility or difficulties of the relationship with the father of the future baby. Commissioner for the rights of the child in the Pskov region Natalia Sokolova agreed that one of the effective measures to prevent abortions is to increase benefits for child care. But should also work in crisis centres where women who are in difficult life situation, could have legal, social and psychological assistance.

As for initiatives on the abolition of baby boxes, which, incidentally, was rejected by the deputies of the state Duma, the opinion for this reason all participants of the round table was unanimous. Every child has the right to life, and while you have the chance to save from death at least one baby and to abandon him is impossible. In this sense, baby-boxes fully justify its existence. Now they are installed in 13 Russian regions, including in the Pskov region, and with their help, rescued more than 50 children.


— Our task is to abortion and baby-boxes was permitted, but this right had never been used, — expressed the General opinion of the participants of the round table Deputy chief physician of the social work of the Regional center of medical prevention Marina Sahadeva. — By the way, we have 20 years of work with young audiences and implement a program of reproductive health. Our specialists go to schools and spend cycles of interviews…

— However, only 35 educational institutions of the Pskov region is ready to cooperate with us, — added a colleague head of Department of preventive work of Irina Gaiduk. — Others are afraid to hurt the delicate psyche of teenagers, believing that if we are not boosted, then it will not. Very strange position for a society in which abortion is a social norm… Author: Juliana MIKHAILOVA

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