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Wedding pictures of the iconic Soviet rockers. Photo

Свадебные снимки культовых советских рокеров. ФотоA selection of wedding photos with a brief story about each picture.

Viktor Tsoi and Marianne Rodowiska

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Victor and Marianne got married only after three years of Dating, in February 1985. They met at the birthday party of someone from friends. Choi was 19, Marianne 23. Marianne was older than Victor, because of what the first time, Choi was upset and worried, especially because he received a pittance.

“We were poor as Church rats — recalled Marianne. — Rented a room in a communal apartment, eat what God sends. Even a decent wedding could not play. Instead of the wedding dresses I wore a white jacket and light skirt stripe”. To the wedding came all the “Beau Monde” of the Leningrad underground. In August of the same year, in the family of Choi’s son was born.

Along with Marianna Tsoi will live for several years. Will winter and summer to walk through the streets of Leningrad, to live in a communal apartment Mike Naumenko, ride with the family Grebenshikov — Boris and Lyudmila to the beach, where they will be swimming, singing, drinking and more time to sing… Alone, without a ticket on the train they will get to the Sunny Crimea. On the train two “birds” will find the guides. But fortunately the Viktor and Marianne, is not muddle-conductors, forever evil and unkempt, and guides the students who heard underground records “Movie.” To the Crimea Choi would sing songs to the tourists and guides. And on the Black sea coast will not be able to talk because of derailed train voices…

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Vyacheslav and Marina Butusova

Marina Butusova: “First impression Butusova — eye. On the farm, where we were sent to the potatoes immediately after admission to the Institute, Thank wore knitted “helmet” with a narrow slit on the face, for which he received a funny nickname among his classmates… “Grey hat and only goes to morning exercises to to see you,” said my girlfriend. I’m usually not looking around and did not notice much. Became too slowly to get accustomed to the Glory to Come… he decided to me just for the dedication of the students. We both have studied in art schools and in 16 years entered the Sverdlovsk architectural Institute, but on different faculties. And that’s when I got the grade book, Thank volunteered to escort me to “Uralmash”. He lived on the other side of town, then the night got on the chaise.

By nature we were both silent — it was close, but didn’t speak. First adult relationship — that we all of a serious. Froze on the road — went to warm up in the entrance. I put under the feet of my brand new portfolio, which is where all my “student life”: a clean notebook, a set of lipsticks that is purchased from a huckster, and the record book. The ladder slides to the noisy company. And we all are silent: look out the window, to the battery, on top of each other… an Hour and a half Glory out the first phrase: “do you think I like you or I love you?” Embarrassment and dropping my eyes to the floor: a portfolio of my no! Remember that ran past some punks. Scramble out of the door, the police catch a “heel”. Guards us and scolded, “Watch your stuff!” It was only a Declaration of love for our entire life… Silent!

After numerous night walks I plucked up the courage to meet the glory of the mother. She said: “he had some Tartar…” — that was her first impression. And then so selflessly loved him! After all, the Glory was there when our family was in sorrow, the father found on the street bleeding. Some bullies hit him on the head — maybe it was revenge for something (he worked in the court). Twenty days, until the very end, mom was on duty at his bedside, and Slava came to visit. Because he lived far away and decided to wait and this time we have in the apartment, at “Uralmash”. Slava participated in the funeral, all supported us. During the farewell with his father I was quite bad: not only that such an irreparable loss, and always sick… after a month my mom realized what was wrong. In its 17 years, I wonder what the origin! So Anna we have just outlined. And happiness and unhappiness Slava managed to survive for some four months: in September, met in October, moved in together, and 10 January were married”.

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Vladimir and Elena Sahrini

Vladimir Shahrin: “first, initially between people should be just love. When a man proposes, he should feel that he wants to live with this woman all my life. And then the man you should try first to think and care about his wife the way she likes. Not to cross a certain line. My wife from me in my life have not heard a single swearword. And we knew each other since 1976. While all of these curse words of course, I know well: in construction, after all, eight years worked”.

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Joanna Stingray and Yuri Kasparian

November 2, 1987, the guitarist of group “Cinema” Yuri Kasparian married American singer Joanna Stingray, whose name is largely due to the popularization in the West the St. Petersburg rock.

Joanna Stingray: “the Wedding turned out amazing. The official part was held in the Leningrad Palace of marriage. It was very funny. I didn’t understand anything of what he says an employee of the wedding Palace, and spoken in Russian. I was taught that you should answer “Yes.” I waited for the moment when this woman approaches me to say “Yes!” and worried I can say this is a bad time. And after the official part there was a party at the Peter and Paul fortress. There were all friends — all the rockers Leningrad and my parents. Was a great concert, had a wonderful atmosphere.”

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Mike Naumenko and Natasha Korableva

Natasha Korableva settled at grandma’s on Vasilievsky island. Looked like something cousin Vyacheslav. He played at little-known Leningrad team “Overhaul”. “This is Mike,” he introduced his companion.

Around Leningrad, I think of a person who has not heard the name of Mike Naumenko.

The second time they met at the wedding of Vyacheslav. In the midst of triumph Michael left for the evening performance at the Bolshoi puppet theatre, where at that time worked as a radio operator. And then suddenly returned.

“Here too all surprised! — says Natasha. — And Mike invited me to a rehearsal. Once Mike spoke about the new disc, David Bowie, and I wished immediately to listen to her. I even insisted — Mike, slightly surprised by such impudence, brought me to myself. Spit in the eyes of the cynics who claim that all rock musicians — cocky womanizer! Boys are timid and well-mannered…”

One summer evening, when Natasha and Mike admired Cupcini houses with balconies Ishi Petrovsky, Mike said, “my Dream is to settle with you in the old castle, but can only offer an apartment with his parents and the salary of the janitor.”

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Boris Grebenshikov and Natalya Kozlovskaya

First wife of Boris Grebenshchikov Natalia Kozlovskaya decided to put him on their fate immediately after graduation. Their wedding was loudly noted in the restaurant “Astoria” in the society of many friends. A year Boris became the father of little Alice.

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