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Water diet: how to drink water to lose weight

Водная диета: как пить воду, чтобы похудетьShe is one of the lightest in comparison with exhausting exercise and giving up favorite dishes.

Yes, there is a way to lose weight with water.

It is known that it is useful by itself and all people who care about the figure, it is known the requirement to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of water a day. However, that water was the most effective, it is important to know and observe some rules.

The principles of water diet

Before eating — drink water. If a light meal, rather than 1 Cup if meal — 2-3 cups.
2 hours after eating need to drink the same amount of water as before meals.

You can eat all meals and even alcohol, provided that every 100 g of the drink will be compensated 200 g of water.

The water should be purified no gas. Can with a slice of lemon.

You should drink (except juice, tea, soups) at least 2 liters a day. But more also is not necessary!

During the meal undesirable.

It is advisable to replace one meal on the water.

How does the water diet?

Water fills the stomach and lost the feeling of hunger.
Water speeds up metabolism, removes toxins and wastes.
The saturation occurs faster, which will allow you not to overeat.

These rules do not have any time constraints – they can follow your whole life and your body will become more efficient, including getting rid of extra pounds.

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