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Doctors told how to learn to drink more water

Медики рассказали, как научиться пить больше водыTips that will help you to drink more water.

We all know that water is life and for perfect health we need to drink their daily rate, which, unfortunately, most of us have not mastered even half. Many people firmly believe that if you drink juices, sodas, tea and coffee, we can fill the lack of fluid in the body, but this error has nothing to do with reality. Each person needs to drink clean water and not a glass or two, and 1.5 liters or more.

Tie a drink to action. To drink adequate amounts of clean water per day is no easy task, if you are a beginner. The body is not accustomed to that volume of liquid will put psychological barriers. The first days you will probably feel that forcibly pour yourself a water. However, after a few days this process will become enjoyable and your body himself will require the desired amount of water. How to help yourself at first? Let every glass of water you associate with any action. So, drink immediately after awakening, on arrival at work and every hour during working time. Discipline is very important here. The more responsible you will approach the acquisition of new habits, the easier and faster it will become your everyday reality.

Drink flavored water. Drinking clean water is sometimes boring. Its fresh taste can become a reason people will throw a new habit. However, this is not a reason to give up. Try to include in your diet not only clean drinking water but flavored options. Such water is prepared very simply and quickly. It is enough to add fresh fruit and vegetables to taste. For summer it’s the perfect drink. For its beneficial properties flavored water is not inferior to the usual.

Pour into a glass a small amount of water. Not always easy to immediately drain the glass of water filled to the brim. Even psychologically it can be quite difficult and burdensome. Start with such a quantity of liquid that will be comfortable for you. It is better to drink a few SIPS, but happy, than a full glass, but through force. By the way, drink too much water at once is not particularly good. The Cup should fit about 250-300 milliliters of water. Better to drink water 30 minutes before eating or one hour after – so she really will benefit.

Gradually increase the amount of water. Do not try to immediately include in your diet 6-8 glasses of water and do not blame yourself, if the rate for any reason will fail. Drinking enough water is a pleasant and useful habit, which should cause only pleasant emotions and not be a burden. To get started, try to fill a glass of water only half. And the other part of the beverage will let freshly squeezed juice such as orange or lemon. Instead of juice you can also add ice cubes of fresh juice or attach a slice of lemon or orange in the glass. So the useful habit will be even nicer.

Keep a pitcher of water in sight. Let a pitcher or bottle of water will constantly be on your mind. Best buy beautiful dishes that will motivate you to new achievements and to remind you about proper lifestyle with healthy habits. You can also put next to the glass so everything was at hand. Sometimes unnecessary motion can make to delay the action by then. So you may even forget about what you were going to drink.

Don’t confuse thirst with hunger. Thirst and hunger manifest themselves about the same. And instead of drinking a glass of water and wait a while, the man immediately goes to the fridge in search of snack. The result is “empty” calories and heaviness in the stomach from food that your body does not need. So if you have recently ate, but the hunger is felt, drink a glass of warm water. Maybe you suffer from simple thirst?

Eat more fruits and vegetables with high liquid content. Vegetables and fruits is a valuable source of vitamins, minerals and fluids. Therefore, in addition to water include in the diet of healthy fruits. Some of them contain up to 95% water. No dehydration you are not exactly threatening, and immune system will become stronger. Special attention should be paid to the cucumbers, watermelons, melons, citrus, zucchini, eggplant, celery, radishes, tomatoes, spinach, pineapples, apricots, grapes, apples. By the way, strawberries and raspberries are not far behind. For example, strawberries are 92% consists of water, and BlackBerry – 85%.

Use mobile apps. XXI Vek simplifies our lives in all directions. Not only discipline and will power can help to achieve success in acquiring new habits. So, today in the app stores, you can find those who will keep track of alcohol consumed per day amount of water, and will also remind you how much is left to drink in the ideal.

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