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Virtual phone numbers are becoming more popular

Виртуальные телефонные номера становятся всё более популярнымиCreated a new service that many will appreciate.

Modern mobile phone is not only a tool for voice communication between two subscribers, but also a versatile helper in many other cases. And an alarm clock with a music player – only a fraction of what can be done using modern gadget.

With the help of a mobile phone can receive sms, plan your budget, use various instant messengers such as Skype or Viber, to make purchases and send remittances. To register, in the end, on Dating sites or in social networks.

For anybody not a secret that for security reasons it is necessary at the entrances to sites or financial operations to have a login and password. Prerequisite – it needs to be unique, memorable and above all, reliable. After all, the scammers received access to your Bank account, can deprive you of a large sum of money.

Well, if you are careful and cautious people, but no one is immune from loss or theft of your phone. Enough the crook to take control of your machine and in his hands will be everything from passwords to your Classmates with unique photos, to login Internet banking. In addition, for password recovery, it is sufficient to send SMS and “caring”, the Bank will immediately send a new password to your now former phone.

And the experienced hackers don’t even need to steal your camera. Recently the Kiev police exposed the so-called Director of the charitable Foundation who embezzled money collected for the treatment of a wounded soldier. The scammer made a duplicate SIM card of a soldier’s mother and calmly pumped hryvnia, collected indifferent Ukrainians for the treatment of defender of the Fatherland in his pocket. The offender has appropriated no less… 200 thousand hryvnias.

It is not necessary to mention about such “inconveniences” if you lose the phone as a loss of access to the accounts or reading your personal, not intended for prying eyes, and correspondence. But if you are a company Director or successful businessman, your camera may have caught unscrupulous competitors, that dream to penetrate the trade secrets of your company, exposing you thus a significant “bandwagon”.

In addition, you can get in trouble abroad if the country where you travel, no roaming, or you simply forgot to connect it with your carrier. When the need arose you will not be able to transfer money to relatives, or to make an online purchase.

We should not forget about another inconvenience, if registered anywhere, using your own phone number. Unscrupulous sellers often “merge” their customers base, and at one point you day and night starts to annoy Intrusive and totally unnecessary promotional information.

In order to avoid annoying and sometimes very serious trouble and was created by a special sms service-reg that allows you to receive SMS messages without using a smartphone. Simply register on the website, and you will be able to receive SMS on virtual number anywhere in the world where there is Internet. To use the service is not required “binding” to mobile networks, the purchase of additional equipment or new SIM cards, and the small cost of the service will not be burdensome for a purse.

Variants of using a personal virtual rooms many. To name just a few of the most important, in our opinion: activation of accounts and the possibility of registrations in social networks, advertising subscription, registration in an online casino, business correspondence, confirmation of the profile on Dating sites, registration is not a credible online resources and in all other cases, when you have no desire to “Shine” your personal phone number.

The new service will ensure your safety and make a convenient and practical your work using your smartphone.

Source: sms reg.com

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