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Ventilation of the bedroom – the key to a good night’s sleep

Проветривание спальни - залог хорошего снаIn the evening before sleep is very important to ventilate the apartment.

Healthy and strong sleep is important for everyone. To a good night’s sleep, you need to know some mandatory rules training bedroom to rest.

Every evening it is necessary to ventilate the apartment and the room in which you sleep. In the room for the accumulate harmful bacteria, the humidity rises, there is fungus and mold while in the air decreases the amount of oxygen.

Experts told how to properly ventilate the bedroom before bedtime.

Rules for the ventilation of bedrooms:

– open the Windows completely for a few minutes;

– 10 minutes leave the room, opening the window and the door to form a draught;

in the winter you should leave the window open for 3-5 minutes, until the room filled with fresh air.

Remember that airing for a long time can lead to heat loss in the bedroom. Thus, before going to bed, you can be supercooled to freeze and Wake up the next morning with a cold (Noi).

Do not place in the bedroom too many houseplants . Some of them absorb oxygen and can cause an allergic reaction in people who are long time guests staying in the room. Land of the pots also releases moisture and provokes high humidity in the bedroom.

Note to regulate the humidity level in the bedroom and to create a healthy environment, make frequent, but short airing.

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