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Useful foods to remove salts

Полезные продукты для выведения солейThese products are rightly called miraculous and magic (both in folk and official medicine), so striking are the results of their application.

The main advantage and secret of the healing action of these products is their ability to bind, inactivate and excrete most hazardous heavy metal salts.

Thanks the following products are our body of toxic substances, and the systematic treatment fully restores normal metabolic processes:

1. Kartofelü due to high content of starch is a unique absorbent (absorber) toxins used even in case of poisoning. “Absorbing” a harmful substance, starch displays them along with the waste of the digestion. To enhance the absorbent properties of the potato, cook it in the peel, so that the tubers kept as much starch.

2. Beetroot activates the process of digestion. But the most valuable quality is the ability to communicate, translating into an inert form, compounds of heavy metals and excrete them naturally.

3. Seaweed. It has been discovered a special connection alginates, which neutralize toxic substances, depriving them of malicious forces, and facilitating excretion from the body.

4. Bay leaf effectively removes from the body excess salt.

Cooking. 5 g leafs pour 300 g of boiling water, bring to boil and keep on low heat for another 5 minutes. Then pour into a teapot or thermos and leave for 3-4 hours, then strain.

Application. Infusion to drink in small SIPS, dividing the entire amount in 12 hours. Sometimes, possibly more frequent urination, but no need to worry about it. The course of treatment – 3 days.

Attention! Treatment with infusion of Bay leaf is contraindicated in diseases of liver, stomach and urinary system. With caution you should apply this remedy in diseases of the cardiovascular system.

5. Rice is truly versatile in the variety of its medicinal qualities. It binds the salts and toxins, removes them from the body, restores normal metabolism, and also supplies fiber and nutrients.

The rice used in the salt deposits, indigestion and poisoning. Cleansing with it – the procedure is useful, easy and accessible.

Cooking. 1 tbsp rice, soaked in cold water the night before. In the morning cook without adding salt and cool slightly.

Application. The resulting mass (along with broth) use fasting for 4 hours before the first meal. If desired, you can turn this day into fasting include further diet just 1 Cup of cooked rice, Apple juice and 2-3 apples. Daily morning cleansing rice should be carried out within 1 week.

The mechanism of action is based on the structure and properties of rice grains. Dry structure has a crystalline form. However, after soaking each grain is covered with peculiar cells with the help of which the rice grains and “absorb” the salt.

Attention! While keeping rice diet prohibits the use of sharp, salty and fatty foods, because they decrease its effectiveness. In addition, in those days, doctors recommend to take medication that contains potassium, and vitamins.

6. Spruce or pine cones. Cones of coniferous trees contain a special substance, which in folk medicine is called resin. It has the unique ability to separate the salt deposits from the tissues, destroying the connection between them and thereby initiates the output of salts. Substance firmly connecting the tissue and the accumulation of salt, just dissolve.

For treatment use a decoction of the cones.

Cooking. Lump soak in 200 ml water at night. In the morning the infusion boil for 5 minutes, then remove from heat, take out the lump with a spoon and bring the liquid volume up to 200 ml with boiled water.

Application. Taken at night for 0.5 cups (100 ml). The course of treatment is 1 month.

Treatment often combine the two broths – rice and cones. In the morning take a decoction of rice, and at night – pine.

Attention! Since the excretion of excess salts occurs quite rapidly, the body loses with them, and potassium, necessary for normal functioning of the heart. In advance to prevent deficiency of this trace element. For this purpose, on the 10th day of the course it is recommended to start a daily intake of honey: 1 tsp 3-4 times a day. In addition, you need to eat more potatoes, apples, apricots, lemons, and toasted millet. Doctor’s prescription you can take complementary potassium products.

These methods are based on using only natural products, so act naturally and gently. However, before you start treatment, you need to visit a doctor and together with him to discuss all the nuances of Wellness plans and future events.

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