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Product that will cleanse your body

Продукт, который очистит ваш организмCleansing the body with rice – this is a very effective method.

Preventive cleaning of rice is useful for strengthening the health of the procedure.

For preventive cleansing of the body takes many tablespoons of rice, how old you are. Grain, rinse well and place in a glass jar. Pour the cooled boiled water. Close the jar tightly and refrigerate. Every morning take 1 tbsp rice and boil without salt for 5 minutes. Cooked rice, eat on an empty stomach, preferably before 7.30 am. Remaining in a jar pour the water and rice again pour cold boiled water and put in the fridge. So do until then, until the rice has come to an end.

When cleaning the rice and preventing rice acts as an absorbent. Rice grain is composed of a lattice of tissue filled with starch grains. Rice grains of crystalline cellulose without starch are not digested in the stomach, and transit fall into the 12-duodenum, where formed after the washing out of starch free cells absorb toxins. So clean the intestines, and with it the entire body. Rice grains start the mechanism of self-purification of the body: the toxins start to come out with the feces and urine. After this cleaning is resumed proper metabolism in the body cease to accumulate fat and various harmful substances, inorganic salts, products of metabolism.

Cleansing brew from rice Cleansing with a brew of rice grains – very gentle and very easy to carry. For rice brew using purified water (thawed, filtered). Water almost to the brim, fill a quart jar, add 4 tablespoons of grains of any rice (excluding broken rice) and 2-3 tablespoons of sugar, and to improve the taste 5-7 of the highlights. Bank cover multilayer gauze and place in the sun. Three days later out of the jar every few hours remove the sample, to determine the readiness of the brew. When the kvass is ready, strain it, pour into another container, and store it away safely in the fridge.

A single dose of beverage – 100-125 ml, 3-4 times daily after meals. If after taking rice water is not have any discomfort or fatigue, it is necessary to make a brew in between meals. When cleaning the brew from rice also required to promptly replenish the body with potassium salts to include in the diet apricots, raisins, nuts, cereals. Perfectly cleanse the body of toxins and seedlings of rice. They possess distinct antioxidant properties, so to prevent “pollution” of the body enough to eat in a day 100 grams of rice seedlings, adding them to different dishes.

Cleansing infusion of rice in the salt deposits If you suffer from low back pain, arthritis, rheumatism, so, it’s time to spend the purification of rice tincture. Pour 1 liter of cold settled water 4 tablespoons rice, 3 tablespoons of sugar, 5 pieces of raisins. Steep for 4 days. Strain. Drink half a Cup on an empty stomach, afternoon and at night. Store in the refrigerator. The course of treatment – 2-3 months.

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