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Upgrade to Windows 10, it became impossible to cancel

Апгрейд до Windows 10 стало невозможно отменитьUsers are deprived of the possibility to refuse the renewal.

Microsoft has removed the option to not upgrade to the new operating system Windows 10 to users of Windows 7 and Windows 8.1.

Now the window update to Windows 10 without “Close” button, the cross button and in the dialog there is no option of do not update. Instead, users can either start the update immediately, or designate it for a certain time.

It is noted that the appointed time you install a new operating system cannot be remapped, which makes upgrading inevitable.

At the same time, the publication PC World to reproduce the situation failed. It is possible that The Register has tentatively accepted the installation on any of the previous stages. In this PC World notes that at some stages the GUI upgrade behaves in a non-obvious way: clicking on the “cross” leads to the adoption of the updates.

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