Home / Photo report / Unusual traditions of a vanishing tribe of ava. Photo

Unusual traditions of a vanishing tribe of ava. Photo

Необычные традиции исчезающего племени ава. ФотоThey have very little.

One of the most interesting tribes in the world, you can call the tribe of ava. Members of this tribe live in the forests of the Brazilian state of Amazonia. Unfortunately, the culture of this tribe is under threat of extinction. This situation for several reasons.

First, the reason for the colonists who were brought to South America not only their culture, but also many diseases. They were the cause of death for many people with unprepared for such tests the immune system. Secondly, these same colonists forced many aborigines to carry out backbreaking work on plantations. Another reason for the gradual disappearance of the tribe – frequent fires, which arrange the attackers in the hope to smoke ava of the coveted forests.

I must say that this is a unique tribe with a rather curious tradition. So, people ava live in complete harmony with nature and animals. They feed on meat, however, their “Pets” they never kill. Moreover, women feed their babies their breast milk. Photographer: Domenico Pugliese visited the “party” in the tribe of ava and looked at how these people live.

Необычные традиции исчезающего племени ава. Фото
Необычные традиции исчезающего племени ава. Фото
Необычные традиции исчезающего племени ава. Фото
Необычные традиции исчезающего племени ава. Фото
Необычные традиции исчезающего племени ава. Фото
Необычные традиции исчезающего племени ава. Фото
Необычные традиции исчезающего племени ава. Фото
Необычные традиции исчезающего племени ава. Фото
Необычные традиции исчезающего племени ава. Фото
Необычные традиции исчезающего племени ава. Фото
Необычные традиции исчезающего племени ава. Фото
Необычные традиции исчезающего племени ава. Фото
Необычные традиции исчезающего племени ава. Фото
Необычные традиции исчезающего племени ава. Фото

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