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Cruel traditions of the Indonesian tribe Tribute. Photo

Жестокие традиции индонезийского племени Дани. ФотоThis tribe still lives on the old wild tradition.

The Dani tribe was only discovered in 1926 during the Stirling expedition to New Guinea. These people today revere the traditions of their ancestors: cut off fingers as a sign of mourning for the dead relatives, put in the nose of a boar’s tusks and are “Halim”, which covers manhood. Men can be a lot of wives – the main thing is to have enough pigs to pay the relatives of any young ladies. A special place in the tribe is the sorcerer who communicates with spirits and keeps the mummy of a deceased tribal chief.

1. Cruel ritual

Жестокие традиции индонезийского племени Дани. Фото

If a man dies, his relatives cut off my own finger, showing his grief and calming the spirit of the deceased.

2. Women of Dani tribe

Жестокие традиции индонезийского племени Дани. Фото

The women cook, do needlework and firewood, care for cattle and orchards.

3. The younger generation

Жестокие традиции индонезийского племени Дани. Фото

Children take part in all the conducted rites and ceremonies of the tribe, although the new generation is closer to civilization.

4. Tribal outfit

Жестокие традиции индонезийского племени Дани. Фото

The main feature of the dress of the men – Halim.

5. Men’s entertainment

Жестокие традиции индонезийского племени Дани. Фото

The main occupations of the men of the Dani tribe were hunting and war with neighboring tribes.

6. Women’s outfit

Жестокие традиции индонезийского племени Дани. Фото

Traditional female outfit – skirt from leaves of wild orchids and construction of a fabric for bags, fastened on the head.

7. Mummification ancestors

Жестокие традиции индонезийского племени Дани. Фото

Mummified respected members of the tribe, the corpse was hung over the coals and smoked-dried for several months.

8. Sorrow for the departed family member

Жестокие традиции индонезийского племени Дани. Фото

So women show their grief and soothe the spirit of a deceased relative.

9. A young mother

Жестокие традиции индонезийского племени Дани. Фото

In the Dani tribe, the marriage age for girls at 14 years.

10. The bride

Жестокие традиции индонезийского племени Дани. Фото

For a good bride need to give not less than 5 pigs, and then the husband leads the wife in his possession.

11. Fighting outfit of a warrior

Жестокие традиции индонезийского племени Дани. Фото

Traditional outfit of a warrior tribe.

12. The Dani Tribe

Жестокие традиции индонезийского племени Дани. Фото

Representatives of the Dani tribe.

13. Revealing war

Жестокие традиции индонезийского племени Дани. Фото

Annual festivals, demonstration battles with neighboring tribes.

14. The participants of the battle

Жестокие традиции индонезийского племени Дани. Фото

Almost serious battles.

15. Warrior Tribute

Жестокие традиции индонезийского племени Дани. Фото

Warrior of Dani tribe with a spear and a dagger made out of animal bones.

16. Musician

Жестокие традиции индонезийского племени Дани. Фото

Traditional musical instrument Picon.

17. A respected member of the tribe

Жестокие традиции индонезийского племени Дани. Фото

His outfit contains a large number of beads and the “protection” of large sizes.

18. Ceremonial outfit

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Ceremonial beads and flowers headpiece.

19. An important element of protection

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Strategically located piece of wood has a very important function.

See also:

20. Lifestyle tribe

Жестокие традиции индонезийского племени Дани. Фото

Observance of traditions and customs is the basis way of life of the Dani tribe.

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