Home / Science and technology / Twitter has blocked more than 200 thousand accounts for the propaganda of terrorism

Twitter has blocked more than 200 thousand accounts for the propaganda of terrorism

Twitter заблокировал более 200 тыс. аккаунтов за пропаганду терроризмаOver the past year the number of accounts blocked per day increased by 80%

The administration of Twitter with February 2016, has blocked about 235 thousand accounts for breaking the rules of social media for the propaganda of extremism. This was reported in the Twitter blog.

In General, over the last 12 months the number blocked for the propaganda of extremism accounts rose to 360 thousand
As announced on Twitter, over the past year the number of accounts blocked per day increased by 80%, especially when many channels have to block in periods immediately after high-profile attacks.

The company also noted that the miraculous algorithm for the detection of terrorist content on the Internet does not exist.
The service continues to use other technologies that help to deal with policy violations Twitter.

Note, Twitter is often blamed for extremists to easily stream through the channels of your content, and create new accounts is blocked. Account in this social network have all known extremist groups.

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