Cargo transportation through the territory of Turkey by the Russian vehicles proved to be impossible because of the end of 31 January 2016 expiry Turkish of permits issued in 2015. This was announced by the Association of international road carriers (ASMAP).
“Until now, the Turkish side is not agreed the contingent of permits for 2016. Currently, the Ministry of transport of Russia takes steps to resolve the issue — the Turkish side repeatedly sent proposals for the exchange of permissions”, — stated in the message AIH.
As notes TASS, in December 2015, transport Minister Maxim Sokolov reported that the number of issued permits for bilateral road transport from Turkey to Russia will decrease by four times. According to Sokolov, permits for road transport the Ministry of transport issues the road carriers Association, which then distributes them among the players.
In December 2015, the Russian government adopted a decree on measures to implement the presidential Executive order on special economic measures against Turkey. The document, in particular, limits the number of permits for Turkish carriers for 2016 to 2 thousand units. Was not excluded and also the possibility to cancel the already issued for the next year permits.
Sanctions of Russia against Turkey were introduced on 28 November 2015 the respective decree of President Vladimir Putin. The list of Turkish goods in December approved the government. From January 1, 2016 banned the import of vegetables and fruits, flowers, poultry and salt. In addition, a ban on Charter flights and cancelled a visa-free regime. Russian companies are not allowed to employ Turkish citizens, with three exceptions.
Relations between Moscow and Ankara deteriorated after 24 November, the Turkish air force shot down a Russian front-line bomber su-24, involved in anti-terrorist operations in Syria. The Turkish authorities are also preparing retaliatory sanctions, which may begin with the introduction of anti-dumping duties for the steel industry.