Home / Oil / Trump threatened to abandon Saudi oil, if you become President

Trump threatened to abandon Saudi oil, if you become President

Трамп грозит отказаться от саудовской нефти, если станет президентом

American billionaire Donald trump has promised to stop buying oil from Saudi Arabia if elected President of the United States.

Journalists of the newspaper New York Times in an interview published on the newspaper’s website Friday, asked him if he would stop buying oil from Saudi Arabia and other allies in case those will not contribute troops to combat “Islamic state” (banned in Russia).

“I think the answer is probably Yes,” said the billionaire, leading in the election race for the presidency from the Republican party. However, he stressed that “without the U.S. Saudi Arabia would not survive long”.

“We don’t receive anything in exchange for those giant services that we provide for defense of some countries. And Saudi Arabia is one of them”, — said the politician.

Trump also called several specialists who will be his foreign-policy advisers if he wins the election in November. In particular, we are talking about generals retired Gary Harrell and the Vert Musicale, and Vice-Admiral in retirement Charles Kubica.

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