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Tips that will help you fall asleep faster

Советы, которые помогут быстрее уснутьThese sheet but effective ways to help you fall asleep quickly.

The best conclusion of a tiring day is a healthy sleep.

To recharge the body and refresh the mind, you need time to go to bed and sleep well. But what about those who suffer from insomnia? Here are a few techniques that will help in solving sleep problems.

1. Wash your face with cold water

Excess anxiety often prevents sleep. To get rid of it, dip the face into cold water, and you will feel a pleasant freshness. If you upgrade, you immediately want to sleep.

2. Breathe through one nostril

This method is considered to be one of the most effective. When you are in bed, lying on his left side, close right nostril and slowly breathe left. Thus, lowered blood pressure, and the body begins to fall asleep.

3. Sing

It may look strange, but this is exactly what you need. During the singing of the exhalation occurs through the mouth and breath becomes like breath in meditation. The body calms down and adjust to sleep.

4. RUB the ears

Very good for insomnia helps massage the ears. Even the usual rubbing of the ear lobe will help you fall asleep faster.

5. Rotate eyes

Scientific studies have shown that when eye-rolling secretes the hormone melatonin, which affects sleep.

6. Let soap bubbles

It may look funny but it works! While blowing bubbles calms the breathing, and relax the eyes. And this is just what the body needs adequate sleep.

7. Don’t look at the clock

If in the morning you have to get up early and you constantly look at the clock, it provokes insomnia. Brain receives a signal that you need to Wake up early and not sleep well, and he keeps you awake. Set the alarm, and don’t think about tomorrow. Give rest to your brain and body.

8. Be active

If you lead an active lifestyle, the body will be tired and require rest in the form of sleep. Even the usual half-hour walk in the fresh air before bedtime will help you fall asleep faster.

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