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Tips “cores”, how to protect yourself from attacks in the summer months

Советы "сердечникам", как уберечься от приступов в летние месяцыDoctors told people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, to protect yourself from attacks in the summer.

With increasing temperature the load on the cardiovascular system increases and with it the growing risks of developing heart disease. British cardiologists gave five tips, compliance with which in the summer will help maintain a healthy heart.

Drink water even if you are not thirsty. Dehydration is one of the causes of arrhythmia and strokes. In the summer a person experiences excessive loss of liquid under the influence of heat, so you need to constantly fill it. For this approach water, soups, juices and other beverages. People older than 50 years are simply not aware of his thirst and often become victims of dehydration.

Choose the right medication. Suffering from heart disease and hypertension people often get prescriptions for diuretics. However, use of these medications in summer may enhance the symptoms of dehydration. But if you use antidepressants and antihistamines, they are able to block the release of sweat and worsen the condition. That is why it is very important to consult doctors about all the effects of your medication.

Limit drinking caffeinated drinks and alcohol. It is well known that the use of alcoholic beverages or coreinsurance in the summer months enhances dehydration, increasing the risk of complications related to the heart. Also people who have gone through angioplasty or stent implantation, and artificial heart valves need to be more careful in the summer, as dehydration leads to blood clots that can cause blockage of stents.

Limit activity outdoors. Experts often suggest to exercise in the fresh air for the health of the heart. However, in the summer it is very important to reduce the load on the heart, which causes heat. That’s why you need to spend less physical effort in the fresh air. This applies to Hiking, running and even gardening. All of these classes are better transferred on the evening of the day when the sun fries not so much. You must also wear loose clothing that allows the body to breathe.

Don’t forget to consult with doctors. Victims of cardiovascular disease can face with exacerbations in the summer because of the increased pressure on the heart. In summer grows the risk of arrhythmia and heart failure. In case of any unpleasant symptoms urgently consult the doctor.

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