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Three drinks, without which it is impossible to live a day

Три напитка, без которых нельзя прожить и дняEach of these three beverages on a mission, so they need to drink at certain times.

Nutritionists said, what would be the optimal drinking regime for many people, the Chronicle reports.Info with reference on HealthInfo.


It is believed that coffee is the best morning drink. They say that at night it can not drink, not sleep. But in the morning to Wake up.

In fact: it is right to drink early in the morning, but not earlier than in a couple of hours after waking up closer to noon.

Why it happens: after waking up releases the stress hormone cortisol to prepare the body for an active life, to include all systems in the awake mode. Cortisol increases gradually, reaching a peak about two hours after lifting person out of bed.

If we are out of bed go straight to the coffee machine, neoprenovaja the body immediately receives a dose of caffeine – a stimulant of the nervous system. However, cortisol, which is properly “includes” a body has not yet developed sufficient! Figuratively speaking, after a Cup of coffee get the body acceleration and bursting with energy, but his systems work in turbo mode. And two hours later, when the effects of caffeine weaken, instead of cheerfully to move mountains, we feel knackered and falling to the ground from fatigue.


It is believed that all two liters of water per day recommended by modern medicine, you need to drink up to 18 hours, in order not to run to the toilet all night and not get up in the morning with a swollen face.

In fact: the first glass of water you need to drink immediately after waking up, before Breakfast, to start peristalsis. Last glass to drink right before bed. 200 – 250 ml of water will not force an adult to stand in the middle of the night to use the toilet – this is not a serious scope for the bladder. However, they contribute to thinning the blood. So, resist the formation of blood clots. According to statistics, the vast majority of strokes and heart attacks occur early morning. And that’s because long hours of sleep, a person removes moisture (including sweat), and stocks does not make up for it. The blood thickens, clots.

If you do not want to get up at night, you shouldn’t drink more than a liter of liquid before going to bed.

Mint tea

It is believed that tea with mint calms, helps to fall asleep. So good day to finish a Cup of aromatic tea.

In fact: the menthol contained in mint, gives a muscular ring, the sphincter – between the esophagus and the stomach closed. And when you go to sleep, drinking mint tea, the stomach contents through tightly closed sphincter enters the esophagus and irritates it.

Heartburn is not only unpleasant. Acid from the stomach can even canker esophagus! So green tea is better not to drink at night. And those who suffer from heartburn, contraindicated actually, all mint.

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