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This vegetable is particularly useful for diabetics

Этот овощ особенно полезен диабетикамAlso, this vegetable prevents cancer of the prostate.

Distinctive green cap and a distinctive taste – broccoli, perhaps, can be attributed to the aristocrats from vegetables…

But it is great and the benefits of broccoli for our health.

The latest research found that eating broccoli restores damaged blood vessels caused by diabetes. And it’s all thanks to sulfolane, which is contained in these dark green buds in large quantities and helps in the production of enzymes that protect blood vessels and reduce degenerative processes in the cells

Even before it was proven that cabbage, which also include cabbage and cauliflower, reduce the risk of heart attack and development of heart disease. But people with diabetes, susceptible to heart disease, five times more than healthy people, so a diet with a high content of broccoli it is especially shown.

I should add that, like broccoli and cauliflower are also great allies in preventing prostate cancer is contained in these compounds vegetables can significantly reduce the risk of developing this severe disease for men.

Scientists are already working on new varieties of this useful vegetable, which must be much greater concentration of nutrients. It seems that soon a plate full of greens, really replace us pharmacy drugs. And yet we have to enjoy broccoli as a useful Supplement.

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