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This historic “winter,” the West will not survive

Эту историческую "зиму" Запад не переживет

Эту историческую "зиму" Запад не переживет

The West is experiencing the worst crisis in its history and the living of it the Euro-Atlantic community has not come out ever, I agree politicians on both sides of the Atlantic.

The current generation of Western leaders faces the most serious challenge over the last 70 years, wrote Thursday in the New York Times, former NATO Secretary General Javier Solana.

“The President of Russia very successfully in the West, fueling a sense of fear, supported the rebellious party of eurosceptics, intimidating the neighbors and trying to achieve the lifting of sanctions imposed after the annexation of Crimea and war in Eastern Ukraine. In the fight against this Subversion of NATO need to step up their hand in order to prevent the political disintegration of Europe,” Solana panics.

Western civilization has come kirdyk, and achieved it with his own hands, did not hesitate in epithets, the Director of the Moscow Center for political information Alexei Mukhin.

“Any treatment that the dying can not be saved. Unable to change the presidents of the party in power — is that dead to give to smell ammonia. The crisis of the West is civilizational in nature, and to reverse this process — all the same what to try to prevent the movement of tectonic plates. This historic “winter,” the United States and Europe will not survive”, — he said, “Reedus”.

Contemporaries were lucky enough to experience firsthand what the Soviet etnograf Lev Gumilev predicted in the theory half a century ago: the fall “passionarity” of the Euro-Atlantic superethnos below the point beyond which begins an irreversible collapse of public and state institutions.

“What we are seeing now in the form of increased aggression, NATO is nothing but death throes of Euroamerica in a desperate and doomed attempt to resist the growing power and arrogance of Eurasia. In the growing cracks of the building of the West get viruses trigger the roots of the weeds. This is such a civilizational AIDS, against which no antidote,” says Mukhin.

The inability of the West to find a way out of the impasse stems from the fact that the murder of Euro-Atlantic civilization is under Aplodismenty kill themselves, says the analyst.

“Western civilization killed those who originally laid the basis of the principles which then began to impose themselves as the founders of the United States. The principles of democracy, individual liberty, free trade and other freedoms began to interfere with the US to establish their global hegemony. And the United States itself, the words being the most ardent defenders of these principles, in reality are doing everything to these freedoms to overthrow everywhere get their hands on,” explains the expert.

Europe, which was stolen based on these principles civilizational identity has become the equivalent of a living organism, which disappeared immunity. She was nothing to oppose the “viruses” in the form of Islamism, migration, militant anti-Christianity.

In desperation, the West is missing the most obvious drug that in the past helped perfectly: uniting against external threats, Mukhin stressed.

“No matter what is the threat of Russian aggression, Islamic radicalism, the Chinese expansion. Will do anything. The problem of the West only in the fact that civilization cannot long stand friendship against someone. A positive alternative civilizational rivals of the West to offer not. For this civilization needs to be “sunk”, the same gumilevskaya passion. This is not and never will be. The Euro-Atlantic civilization is on its last legs, and the end will be inglorious, in this Solana man is absolutely right,” predicts the analyst.

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