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This drink will protect you from kidney stones

Этот алкогольный напиток защитит от камней в почкахRegular consumption of beer reduces the risk of developing kidney stones.

The results of researchers from Boston’s Brigham and Women’s Hospital have shown that regular consumption of beer reduces the risk of developing kidney kidney stones almost doubled.

Researchers analyzed data on 200 thousand participants of three large surveys, which related to diet, lifestyle and health status of Americans. During the study, kidney stones were diagnosed in 4,5 thousand participants.

The results showed that regular consumption of soft drinks increases the risk of stone formation by 33%. But those who regularly drink coffee with caffeine, on the contrary, you risk to get kidney stones in 26% less tea drinkers reduce the likelihood by 11%, wine — 31 to 33%, beer — by 41%, natural orange juice — 12%.

The authors believe that the cause of the phenomenon is the following. Increased intake of sugar disrupts calcium metabolism involved in the formation of kidney stones. In addition, the inclusion in the diet of large amounts of sugar leads to obesity which is a risk factor for the development of kidney stones.

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