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These products take care of the thyroid gland

Эти продукты заботятся о щитовидной железеProper nutrition – the guarantee of health of the thyroid gland.

How a healthy thyroid depends on the health of the whole person. As we know, the thyroid is responsible for hormone levels in the body, and also how the nervous system works. Those who already had to go to the doctor with problems of this small inner body, know that the first thing is naughty “nerves”, and later a person begins to think about the nature of their origin. Resulting in immediate treatment to the doctor will be inevitable. By the way, most often on problems with the thyroid gland women complain, men are also included in the number of potential patients, but several times less likely, writes the Chronicle.Info with reference to the Correspondent.

So, what foods should be regularly consumed to take care of the health of your thyroid and all the other organs:

1. Kelp. Not everyone likes to eat seaweed, but it contains huge amount of iodine, which cannot be said about any product, therefore, underestimate the benefit to the thyroid gland is extremely illogical. At least 50-100 g per day you need to eat kelp and this will serve you an excellent way of preventing malfunction of the thyroid gland.

2. The seafood and fish. They, like kelp, contain iodine, but the most important ingredient in their composition is an omega — 3 fatty acids. In fish and seafood contains many more vitamins, minerals and trace elements. To ensure that your thyroid function properly it must acquire a several times a week, omega-3, however, like all other internal organs.

3. Apples. Doctors have long began to recommend their patients to eat 1 Apple per day, and be “sour” varieties, because they contain less glucose. And all because apples are starting work on all the bodies that are responsible for metabolic processes, for example, of the thyroid gland. That is, a day for eating one Apple, you provide yourself with the healthiest possible future.

4. Berries. Most of all, our thyroid gland “in spirit” blueberry, because it can prevent the hormonal imbalance caused by the lack of certain vitamins. Blueberries are natural antioxidants, granting to the person youth and health. By the way, the blueberries you can eat more and for the prevention of vision problems.

5. Walnuts. This kind of nuts is considered to be one of the most useful for the entire body, and all because in this, as in fish, contains fatty acids omega-3. To maintain a healthy thyroid gland don’t need to eat pounds of nuts in one day, only 4-5 peanuts and thyroid will thank you.

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