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These products can significantly shorten the life of the

Эти продукты способны существенно укоротить жизньHealth problems, fatigue, apathy – the reason may lie in the wrong diet.

Largely to blame for “new” products. Increased their calorie, but use the opposite – evaporated.

1. French fries and chips

It’s a brutal combination of fat and carbohydrates, which also shrouded preservatives and dyes, you will need to provide the product with high consumer properties!

2. Soda

Sweet, carbonated drinks are almost devoid of natural ingredients, consist of huge amounts of sugar, diluted dyes, flavor enhancers and flavorings. A particularly detrimental impact on the body having a soda in the heat, plus she absolutely does not quench thirst.

3. Snacks and chocolate bars

Between the raw cashew nuts (walnut, pine) and peanuts in coconut milk (chocolate icing) to give preference to the need to the first embodiment. The bars are not only a lot of calories, but also many colors, flavors and sugar.

4. Smoked

Almost everyone loves the sausage. And the sausages were a substitute for a meal. Such foods contain a lot of hidden fats and their composition is about 80% genetically modified soybeans.

5. Mayonnaise

Many GMO products, dyes and all kinds of improvers. But still there are a lot of calories. With mayonnaise any dish seems delicious, but it is nevertheless harmful.

6. Chinese noodles

Big Booms, Rollton, instant noodles and all these is just pathetic semblance of a real noodle, which in Asian countries is made from natural products and seasoned with natural spices and herbs. Of chemicals in the composition of such products occupy the first place, and therefore completely disrupt the metabolic processes in the body.

7. Salt

Invisible pest has penetrated everywhere. It contributes to the accumulation in the body not only water but also toxins that do not want to appear. Partly is to replace salt with spices and herbs, but only natural.

8. Alcoholic beverages

They are very high in calories, slow down the metabolic processes in the body, prevent normal absorption of vitamin and mineral substances from food.

9. Cakes

Cakes – calorie, and utterly useless, although tasty product. It carries the body anything easy, there is absolutely nothing useful.

10. Sweets

Marmalade, various candy, sweet candy, marshmallow is incredibly high in calories and bad for teeth. If craving sweet, it is better to eat a spoonful of honey or a small piece of dark chocolate.

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