Home / Medicine / These drinks can stop the aging process of the skin

These drinks can stop the aging process of the skin

Эти напитки могут остановить старение кожиThere are drinks that can easily stop the aging process of the skin.

Skin aging scares a lot of people, especially women, whose age always want them to hide and escape from this inevitability – at least, to postpone her coming.

Now there are many ways and means to preserve youthfulness of skin – all kinds of homemade beauty masks, services expensive beauty salons, creams and tonics, beauty injections and plastic surgery. It is well known that the age produces the dry skin that lacks elasticity and is immediately drawn wrinkles.

This causes a chronic shortage of water in the body. Also negatively on the state of the skin affected by poor nutrition of skin cells, a General slagging of the organism, when there is not enough liquid in order for the toxins to leave the body with urine, feces, sweat.

That is why all recommendations are reduced to the advice to drink at least 2-2. 5 liters of water per day. But it is still the right approach to the choice of beverages, without confusing the concept of “water” and “liquid”.

Coffee – if you drink several cups of coffee a day, should increase the amount of clean water. Remember that coffee has a diuretic, it does not give the body water, and takes it out of the body, thereby increasing the danger of skin aging.

Black tea – it also has a diuretic effect. Do not drink more than three cups of black tea a day.

Green tea – this drink contains theophylline, a substance that has a diuretic. And so it is also impossible to classify in supplier of fluid in the body.

Carbonated mineral water – remember that carbon dioxide, which artificially saturated with mineral water, causes a disturbance of acid-alkaline balance in the body and, thus, aging of the skin.

Juice – do not drink packaged juices from the supermarket that is saturated with sugar. In order to neutralize it, the body will need all the same clean water. But fresh – a perfect solution: vitamins and young skin always go hand in hand.

So what are the drinks have to enter in your diet?

Remember: a day you need to drink at least 2-2,5 liters of water. When there is not enough water, the body begins to remove it from any liquid. It loads the kidneys working smoothly. Wouldn’t it be easier to give your body the proper amount of water (ideally thawed).

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