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These deadly dangers await us at every step. Photo

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Human life is so fragile that the cause of death may be ordinary, it would seem that the situation. Cleaning agents, careless behavior in the bathroom, trivial descending the stairs in his own parade – all of which can be deadly. The survey collected a danger that await the man at every turn, and about which we often forget. Be careful and consider your life.

1. The fall in the shower

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According to the New York Times, the bathroom is one of the most dangerous places in the house. Annually recorded several hundred deaths from drowning in the bathtub, from falls and other accidents in this seemingly safe place at home.

2. Mixing bleach and ammonia

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In an effort to make the house clean some Housewives have manufactured their own cleaning mixture, combining a variety of ingredients. In any case, never mix bleach and ammonia. The fact that
the resulting mixture is very harmful. Even if it may seem that the world’s best cleaning agent, it is important to remember that it may cause suffocation.

3. Allergy

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Today the number of people with allergies, just rolls. Some eat just one nut peanut to go in the hereafter.

4. Driving a car

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Driving a car is one of the most dangerous occupations in recent years. According to statistics, road accidents in the last century took 3 times more lives globally than war and murder combined.

5. Carbon monoxide poisoning

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This gas cannot be seen or feel his smell, but he can kill a man. Even in our technological age of death caused by leakage of CO from faulty heating and gas appliances are a reality.

6. Toothache

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Infections of the teeth can be fatal, as the teeth are in close proximity to the circulatory system. Caught in the mouth of a person with a weakened immune system the infection can cause death.

7. Dry drowning

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“Dry drowning” – the state, the victim of which might become people who a few hours ago out of the pool or the sea. The nose caught in the water may in some cases already on the beach to cause a spasm of the vocal cords and lead to the inability to breathe. Most often, this condition affects children.

8. Paracetamol for the hangover

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In any case you shouldn’t use paracetamol during a hangover. It is destructive for the liver! The fact that the cells of the liver is overloaded with the processing of alcohol, and paracetamol to the liver is no less dangerous substance.

9. Fall

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Actually man is more delicate than it might seem. Even falling from a small height could be fatal. Therefore, in no case do not need to approach the edge of a cliff, roof or stand on the windowsill. The separates life from death in this case, only step. A momentary hallucination or depression because of some problems has not been canceled.

10. Selfie

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Today become not uncommon of death of people who are in pursuit of exclusive shots with selfie stick in hand risking their lives. Fall accidents and other accidents has claimed the lives of more than one dozen people who were passionate about selfies.

11. Overdose

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Not many people do this on purpose, especially when we are talking about opiates, but you should always be careful when taking any medications. This is true — maybe an overdose of anything, including water. But you need to do is simply drink an incredible amount of liquid.

12. Falling down the stairs

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According to the Centers for control and disease prevention, falls from ladders often appear in reports of deaths due to accidents.

13. Bathing in an unfamiliar place

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To dive in unfamiliar places it is IMPOSSIBLE! This should be the main rule for fans to swim in open water. Of course, if they have a steel neck.

14. Accident on road crossing

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Statistics relentless — die on the roads hundreds of thousands of pedestrians. And for those who are in Asia or Africa, it is better to look several times, because the traffic there is often a lunatic.

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