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Effective fungus treatment on legs folk remedies

Эффективное лечение грибка на ногах народными средствамиThe fungus is pretty common disease, according to statistics, it suffers, at least to a quarter of all people on Earth.

Folk remedy for foot fungus good help in long-term correct use combined with good hygiene of the feet.

Treatment with antifungal drugs of the last generation, certainly more efficient, but it does not guarantee re-infection through poor hygiene.

Why is the fungus so “love” the feet

Fungal infections stop cause pathogenic fungi – dermatophilus, which penetrate first into the thin skin in the interdigital intervals, and then distributed on the surface of the whole foot. For the development of fungal infections like this are important predisposing to disease factors such as impaired immunity, wearing tight shoes and poor personal hygiene.

Fungal infection manifests itself in different ways: in the form of itching and peeling feet, itchy, quickly bursting bubbles with clear content that quickly turn into ulcers, cracked heels and so on. Often the fungus does not manifest itself and is especially dangerous to others: patients become carriers of the infection.

For fungal infection of feet can be complicated by fungal nail infections (onychomycosis) and the accession of a bacterial infection.

Basic principles of treatment of athlete’s foot

Any fungal infection requires the use of external and internal tools with antifungal and immunostimulant effect. But before the use of external agents the skin of the feet of the legs need cleaned and at the same time remove inflammation. This so-called preparatory period, which includes processing of stop twice a day during the week.

To do this, wash your feet in warm water with soap, wipe dry and apply to the affected areas of the skin salicylic ointment for 20 minutes. After that, the feet to a 2% solution of baking soda and if there is a gross growths, and remove them with a pumice stone. Then feet again, carefully wipe with a clean towel and wear clean socks.

When the skin is clean, apply antifungal agents. Folk remedy for foot fungus:

infusion of antifungal gathering for intake; take in equal amounts plantain leaves, grass, yarrow and wormwood, roots of burdock; all mix, a teaspoon collection pour in Cup of boiling water in a thermos; in the morning strain and drink during the day in divided doses before meals; treatment – 4-6 weeks;

immunostimulatory compound for ingestion; 2 cups crank on the meat grinder aloe leaves (the age of the plant shall be not less than three years, torn sheets to hold several days in the refrigerator) combine with equal quantity of honey and a glass of Cahors wine, stir well and getting through tablespoon 3 times a day half an hour before meals for three to four weeks.

Folk remedy for foot fungus for outdoor use:

sour cream; every day twice a day you need to wash your feet in warm water with soap, dry thoroughly and lubricate sour cream; treatment – 3 weeks;

Apple cider vinegar; wash your feet twice a day with soap and water, and then to make the bath of Apple vinegar for 5 minutes;

after that, the legs do not wipe, let them dry and then put on socks; the course of treatment – 10 days;

resin apricot tree; take a tablespoon of resin (transparent dried “tears” on the trunk of the tree), chop, pour a glass of vodka, insist 3 days, shaking occasionally, and then lubricate the infusion of the feet and nail bed twice a day after washing your feet with soap and water; the course of treatment – 3 weeks;

foot bath infusion Veronica drug; infusion brewed at the rate of 5 tablespoons of chopped herbs to a liter of boiling water; the bath to do it daily at night after washing feet with soap and water; the course of treatment – a month;

garlic cream; mix in equal parts crushed garlic and softened butter; all carefully grind and lubricate the feet at night after washing and foot baths; the course of treatment – 3 weeks;

ointment horse chestnut; squeeze the juice of a chestnut, a tablespoon of juice mixed with an equal amount of softened butter, all grind and use as antifungal ointment, lubricating the feet and interdigital spaces twice a day after preprocessing stop; the course of treatment – 3 weeks;

tea tree oil; to lubricate with oil the feet twice a day after baths; treatment – 2 weeks;

foot baths with sea salts; take a tablespoon of sea salt, dissolve in a liter of warm water and do a foot bath twice a day for one month;

a foot bath of broth from potato peelings; potato peelings seethe, mash and use the broth for foot baths; make them one or two times a day for a month.

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